Friday, May 22, 2020

The Unattainable Standards of the Fashion World - 1145 Words

Most people think of the fashion industry as a materialistic world of extravagant, overpriced, un-wearable clothing. Where anorexic, and yet extremely beautiful women use their looks to sell you a product that they themselves probably don’t even like. They think of an industry that sets the most unattainable standards and lowers the self-esteem of young women to zero. They think of it as a world where everyone is judged and no one will ever be pleased†¦and in the end none of it even matters because they’re all just clothes, but I do not. You may be asking yourself, â€Å"Why is fashion important?†. Clothes are not just clothes. They aren’t just what you wear. Clothes are personal and intimate. The clothes you wear send a public message to others about the way you see yourself (regardless of whether or not you want them to). It’s really all about branding. From the minute you take the hanger off the rack, you are creating an image. Clothes can even transform you, that shirt you just â€Å"threw on† this morning can give you an enormous boost of confidence. How powerful is it that a piece of fabric can make you look and feel differently. iThere are many in the industry that truly possess great personal style and have major influence in the fashion world. From the red carpets to street style, these ladies can do no wrong. One major movie starlet, Jennifer Lawrence, has become quite the fashionista. What she’ll wear next, there’s no way to tell, but it’ll most definitely be Dior. JShow MoreRelatedTimeline of American Beauty Essay738 Words   |  3 PagesNot long ago, a woman’s success was measured by the success of her husband and her domestic prowess. Today, a woman is presumed successful if she can emulate the standards of beauty portrayed in the media. Unfortunately, this subliminally enforced standard is unattainable to some women, regardless of the quality of their character. 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