Monday, August 24, 2020

ISMG Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

ISMG - Essay Example The flexibly is constrained by the climate while the interest is constrained by spikes and moves sought after like for different makers. Because of the gracefully being bunched in one region and the procedures after reap being an excessive number of it raised a ton of issues for the organization as far as expenses. The organization required a framework that could take care of the issue of line use, booking, diminishing stock, transportation expenses and lead time. The deals and activities (S&OP) program was received to help ease these issues. It was intended to deal with issues, for example, unforeseen interest, deficiencies in flexibly, and creation disturbances. The paper-based spreadsheet framework that the organization recently utilized got insufficient in supporting the intricate idea of the business while additionally not fulfilling needs of the organization. This is for the most part in light of the fact that the organization was too large and increasingly intricate while the spreadsheets depended on obsolete information that necessary a great deal of exertion to break down. The S&OP program is actualized in various stages with the principal stage being cleaning all the past information and binding together it in one database. This progression was for the most part intended to guarantee that all the members of the gracefully chain cooperated with one another and comprehended different divisions as needs be. This was trailed by a five stage usage program to show estimation of S&OP program right off the bat in the change. The main stage required improving interest perceivability that required better correspondence at the dynamic level while additionally guaranteeing that each individual from the gathering increased same information and each other’s objectives. The program additionally helped in preparing the clients of the program while likewise testing the adaptability of the program without disturbing the company’s existing work process. The measurable conjectures and getting ready designs for value changes and advancements in futur e and an examination of interest information was additionally improved in this way

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Business Etiquettes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Etiquettes - Research Paper Example In a circumstance where the name is excessively long or confused, the individual concerned should make the name shorter or transform it to a configuration that is effectively comprehended. A superior method of managing such a circumstance is scrambling a person’s name on a business card in a manner that is coherent (Giang, 2013). During conferences, the members ought to abstain from pointing each other utilizing their forefingers. Pointing with a forefinger is a pointer of hostility and is improper in a business domain. While pointing, the palm ought to be open and the fingers ought not be isolated to abstain from making the other party awkward. Some business habits or sets of principles ought to be thought about. When managing individuals, thought ought to be made on the person’s sex in light of the fact that tending to a refined man isn't equivalent to tending to a woman. Once in a while an individual can be disturbed by others in a business assembling yet it is significant for such individuals to keep up their self-control and remain affable (Robinson, 2000). To establish a decent connection as a businessman, care ought to be taken when strolling inside business premises. Agents should stroll with a feeling of direction and with some degree of elegancy. Strange strolling styles ought to be maintained a strategic distance from. Strolling with reason implies that an individual ought not walk randomly and heedlessly around business premises (Chaney and Martin, 2007). Prepping is a significant part of establishing a connection in the business world. The hair ought to be slick and very much kept. At the point when it is important to join gems into the dressing code, the gems should coordinate the pervasive event. People should likewise dress as per the event remembering that conferences are unmistakable from get-togethers (Sabath, 1993). Agents should address each other utilizing the important titles. The titles change as indicated by the area where business exercises are being completed. For instance in the Middle East you will discover

Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Best Persuasive Speech Outline Template

The Best Persuasive Speech Outline Template Writing an impressive persuasive speech can be much easier than it seems, but you need to have your clear knowledge of the chosen subject to succeed. If you have an efficient persuasive speech template outline, writing a good paper becomes a simple task. Use effective tips to write your strong persuasive speech. This detailed guide will help you impress readers with your solid piece of writing and earn higher grades. Intro To write the best persuasive speech, you need to do the following: Pick an interesting and controversial subject to spawn a heated debate, no matter of your chosen position; Research the chosen subject in detail to find out more about its pros and cons; Understand a perspective of your targeted readers (you need to know how they view your topic to better relate to all of them); Grasp all the obstacles that readers may have with your chosen topic (your thorough understanding of them will help you tackle them effectively); Presenting your efficient strategies for eradicating these obstacles (you should learn how to relieve the tension surrounding them by having a clear plan of action); Put everything together to end up with a strong conclusion that should hook the targeted audience. When writing your persuasive speech, take into account all the above-mentioned steps to succeed. If you fail to do that, you have a high risk of missing something important when completing this academic assignment. For example, if you have no passion or interesting about the chosen topic, your readers won’t be interested in it. You also need to understand your strong and weak sides to balance them accordingly. Use a simple persuasive speech outline template to avoid common academic writing problems. What is persuasive speech outline template? It’s all about a basic written outline created by skilled professionals to help struggling students create their efficient persuasive speech plan. A good outline template for a persuasive speech is quite useful because it provide the information necessary to persuade the audience while helping you ease the entire task. Any persuasive speech is focused on assuring other people that they need to consent that your thought or stance is right. Look for debatable topic ideas and ensure that your stance is confident and clear enough. After choosing a specific side, it’s necessary to stick to your point of view and bring readers to follow your lead. Providing the best solution in this piece of writing is one of the best ways to achieve success. First, any solution presupposes a specific problem, so you need to convince people and demonstrate that it concerns all of them. Be sure to suggest readers that your solution will make a difference. It’s not necessary to consider real-life challenges or problems in their literary sense. For your persuasive speech, you can choose any issue, such as people’s desires and needs. For instance, you can talk about keeping fit and the necessity of maintained houses. The main point of this type of academic writing is to expose the chosen topic as a problem. There’s no other type of speeches that must be written based on a strict structure as much as this one. Its structure consists of the introduction that must grab people’s attention, body paragraphs, and the conclusion that contains a call for action. You shouldn’t waste your time on putting random ideas on paper. The first thing that should be done to get started is creating an efficient plan, and this is when the best persuasive speech outline sample will come in handy. Keep in mind the following factors: Your persuasive speech should contain all the crucial points that reveal your clarity of thought; It must be fully tuned to the targeted readers whom you want to persuade; Its opening should contain a clear description of your stance and the chosen issue; Show your clear reasoning; Provide the audience with reasons, facts, stats, and examples to support your viewpoint; Address all the opposing views clearly and calmly; Use effective writing strategies, such as stories and summaries, to help readers remember your key message; End your persuasive speech with a strong call to action and restate your opinion. Benefits of using persuasive speech outline template Why should you use a helpful sample persuasive speech outline template? There are many benefits that you can obtain this way because templates are quite useful when preparing this piece of writing and addressing the audience. That’s because they usually contain all the necessary information about your topic, which makes them quite handy. They also guarantee a systematic display of data, thus covering all the important notes. Once you decide what you will talk about in your persuasive speech, the first step to take is creating an efficient plan. You need to conduct your research to gather solid evidence in such forms as facts, examples, jokes, stats, and others. Examples can help you do the following: Clarify your chosen stance (determine what the issue on hand is and how you feel about it); Understand your targeted readers (think about who they are, what their opinion is, what they know about the chosen subject, and whether they agree or disagree with your stance); Support your point of view (find the evidence that can back up your opinion, research available information, choose the best proofs to convince readers and clarify your stance); Grab readers’ attention (use surprising stats and facts and ensure that your persuasive speech has a huge impact on them). Templates Any excellent persuasive speech outline template sample is created to help you persuade readers to listen to your agenda. Use them to convey your basic idea and deliver supporting information effectively. It’s easy to find all kinds of templates online, but be sure to use only relevant and updates samples. How to use persuasive speech outline template Creating an outline of your persuasive speech requires specific skills. If you lack some of them, use relevant samples and templates because they are made by experienced specialists to make it easier for students to complete this academic task. How to use them effectively? Follow these basic guidelines to get the most out of available templates when writing your persuasive speech: Describe its agenda; Give enough details about its major points; Connect to the targeted audience; Describe all the adequate measures that should be taken. If you want your persuasive speech to be impressive and strong, it’s necessary to focus on its introductory paragraph and ensure that it’s clear and concise. After reading it, other people will decide if they want to keep reading other sections. You should great all readers before getting started. Use a catchy opening to attract their attention and surprise them with interesting stats and facts. After making readers interested in your persuasive speech, state a specific problem and suggest your effective solution. After writing a great introduction, you need to structure the main body. It contains three or more paragraphs that discuss individual topic ideas. Based on the chosen subject, feel free to add some stories from your life, testimonies, humor, etc. Arrange all paragraphs logically and include smooth transitions between them. Next, you need to write a strong conclusion for your persuasive speech, and this section requires repeating a major point and summing up everything. Paraphrasing is one of the easiest ways to do that, but you can use other effective writing strategies. At the end of this piece of writing, it’s advisable to call your readers for a specific action while sounding confident. Conclusion Why should you use templates when writing your persuasive speech? The main reason is that they offer an effective and easy way to prepare a strong and adequate paper. They contain the information and ideas necessary to guide you through the entire process. Use relevant and updates templates to create your own outline and structure all paragraphs correctly. Read them carefully to get a better idea of common mistakes and how to avoid them. Samples and examples are easily available online and they can inspire you because they contain a number of useful and brilliant ideas for your persuasive speech. Use all available sources to find helpful outline templates. Follow all the above-mentioned guidelines to come up with a great persuasive speech. If you still feel confused and don’t know how to proceed with your academic writing, don’t panic because you have effective solutions. Think about the benefits offered by professional online writing services if you’re struggling with your persuasive speech. Contact our qualified and trained custom paper writers and entrust this academic task to them to relieve your stress and get more time to spend on other important things. The best part is that their high-quality services are affordable, so that you don’t have to spend a fortune on them. Every customer order is completed on time, so there’s no need to worry about urgent deadlines. Your effective persuasive speech writing solution is only a few clicks away.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Unattainable Standards of the Fashion World - 1145 Words

Most people think of the fashion industry as a materialistic world of extravagant, overpriced, un-wearable clothing. Where anorexic, and yet extremely beautiful women use their looks to sell you a product that they themselves probably don’t even like. They think of an industry that sets the most unattainable standards and lowers the self-esteem of young women to zero. They think of it as a world where everyone is judged and no one will ever be pleased†¦and in the end none of it even matters because they’re all just clothes, but I do not. You may be asking yourself, â€Å"Why is fashion important?†. Clothes are not just clothes. They aren’t just what you wear. Clothes are personal and intimate. The clothes you wear send a public message to others about the way you see yourself (regardless of whether or not you want them to). It’s really all about branding. From the minute you take the hanger off the rack, you are creating an image. Clothes can even transform you, that shirt you just â€Å"threw on† this morning can give you an enormous boost of confidence. How powerful is it that a piece of fabric can make you look and feel differently. iThere are many in the industry that truly possess great personal style and have major influence in the fashion world. From the red carpets to street style, these ladies can do no wrong. One major movie starlet, Jennifer Lawrence, has become quite the fashionista. What she’ll wear next, there’s no way to tell, but it’ll most definitely be Dior. JShow MoreRelatedTimeline of American Beauty Essay738 Words   |  3 PagesNot long ago, a woman’s success was measured by the success of her husband and her domestic prowess. Today, a woman is presumed successful if she can emulate the standards of beauty portrayed in the media. Unfortunately, this subliminally enforced standard is unattainable to some women, regardless of the quality of their character. Let’s examine how western women went from being pioneering superheroes, to people who measure their worth against airbrushed photographs of impossibly beautiful womenRead MoreEssay about The Fashion Industr y Promotes Eating Disorders1133 Words   |  5 Pagesideals created by the fashion industry? People often feel inferior to models because of the contrast between their bodies and the models and pressures on society make them feel they must look like models. Currently the standard set by the fashion industry is to be thin; for some people thinness to this extent isn’t easily attainable causing people to adapt unhealthy dietary habits. Pressures from the fashion industry promote eating disorders. This is because the fashion industry largely influenceRead More Medias Effect on Womens Self Image Essay994 Words   |  4 PagesWalking around this campus, you do not see many women taller than 5 9 and weighing less than 115 pounds. It is almost impossible to see a woman of this stature unless you are turning the pages of a fashion magazine. Every time we turn around its a possibility well see Tyra Banks, Giesele or another supermodel on a billboard, television commercial, or magazine cover. Many women, teenagers, and young girls are starving themselves, exercising excessively, or getting plastic surgery to achieveRead MoreEssay about Importance Of A Woman578 Words   |  3 Pagesimage they present, even more so than their intelligence. They have been given rigid and challenging standards to live up to, standards that are usually unrealistic, unattainable, and disheartening. Many women spend a large majority of their lives suffering trying to meet these standards. The ideal body image in this country today seems to be the long-haired 5’7†, 95 lb female found in every fashion magazine, every sitcom and every movie you will ever see. However, many women at 5’7† could starve themselvesRead MoreThe United States Is The Biggest Cosmetics Industry1662 Words   |  7 PagesResearch from Statistica reveals that the United States is the biggest cosmetics industry in the world, with an estimated total revenue of about $56.63 billion i n 2013. Men and women alike spend money in a desperate attempt to achieve the unattainable â€Å"beauty† that our society has forced us to want. Some individuals believe that in order to be beautiful, they must cover their face with makeup, or they may even spend hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on different cosmetic surgeries. Whether theRead MoreMedia s Portrayal Of Women1155 Words   |  5 Pagesidealized in television and magazines. The mass media’s portrayal of women today sets standards of beauty that are highly unattainable and unrealistic, leading to an increase of eating disorders and a negative view of self image. People are exposed to as many as two hundred and fifty to three thousand advertisements a day. Among these advertisements are photos of women dramatically altered to fit into society’s standards. There has been a progression towards thinner models in advertisements and magazinesRead MoreBeauty: Human Physical Appearance and Women1306 Words   |  6 Pagesattractive† colleagues. But for the career – driven women, beauty is a no-win situation; the public wants you to be attractive, but, at the same time, not so beautiful that it is off-putting. People might say that looks shouldn’t matter, but in the real world, they do. Women try so hard to look their best, and at the same time, feel their best. Women struggle a lot in trying to â€Å"fit in† to what society sees as being beautiful. Women nowadays alter their body parts, faces, and their diets in order to feelRead MoreAdvertising Is Not Ethical?971 Words   |  4 Pageswas a way to inform the people , capture a thief or raise taxes. By the industrialization age of promoting new cars through advertisement, advertising has changed the way the whole world operates with the introduction of new and improved items. Today â€Å"United States has become the largest advertising market in the world (Statista). Advertising is a part of everyday life that can target different age groups because it helps companies promote new products, but is advertising ethical? Advertising is notRead MoreWhy Advertisements Are Killing You Essay1078 Words   |  5 PagesAdvertisements highlight what a desirable body is and individuals unknowingly believe it to be true. â€Å"Advertisements emphasize thinness as a standard for female beauty, and the bodies idealized in the media are frequently atypical of normal, healthy women†(Body Image and Advertising, â€Å"Eating Disorders: Body Image and Advertising†). Young female teenagers all over the world care about their physical appearance and w ant to look attractive and be the most beautiful girl out there. â€Å"Being thin, toned and muscularRead MoreEssay on Gender Stereotype538 Words   |  3 PagesGender Stereotype According to the writers in chapter, â€Å"Gender Stereotyping And the Media†, gender stereotypes are harmful to men and women. Gender stereotypes set impossible standards for men and women that lead to unhappiness, loneliness and possibly violence towards themselves. Stereotypes affect relationships between a man and a woman. Moreover, stereotypes dictate the behavior of boys and girls that lead to violence. Rather than combating gender stereotypes, our society reinforces

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Islamic Culture Mirrors Of The Roman Empire - 1202 Words

It is said that the Islamic culture mirrors that of the Roman Empire in terms of expansion and longevity. The now widely practiced faith began in an area called Arabia, which neither Rome nor Persia dared conquer. From its creation, it contributed several important things to Medieval Europe and the World as a whole. It conquered a large region and gained thousands of followers. Islam began, as stated, in the desert land of Arabia. Due to the Arabs’ tribal nature, they were skilled at navigation and long-distance trading. They became the guides and couriers of the trade routes going to and from Africa and Asia. Thus, towns began to form, including the famous pilgrimage site, Mecca. Arabian tribes often worshipped the Black Stone, kept in the Kaaba, which was located in Mecca. Thus, those that controlled the shrine controlled the entire economic and spiritual life of the region surrounding Mecca. From this group came Muhammad, who founded Islam and changed the course of the Arab s worship. After experiencing a spiritual epiphany in, or around, 610, Muhammad made a decision to worship only the most prominent god in Arab faith, Allah. Following this major change in faith, Muhammad tried to gain a following among the Arab people. This proved unsuccessful at first, so Muhammad and his friends journeyed to the area of Yathrib, which he renamed Medina and established himself as the ruler. The journey of Muhammad is now know as the Hijrah and is used by Muslims to date theirShow MoreRelatedIslamic, Byzantine And Western European Worlds1766 Words   |  8 PagesDuring the 17th to 18th century, The Roman Empire had gone through a cultural and religious metamorphous. Throughout this time, the roles of religion in the Islamic, Byzantine and Western European worlds altered the period of 600-750 with their similarities adhering to monotheism for one, and differences in regards to perspectives. These three cultures were all pretty diverse but they also shared some of th e same roots and became heritors of the Roman Empire, built on different ideologies. The differentRead MoreHow Islamic Architecture in Spain Changed from the Seventh Century to the Mid-sixteenth Century1541 Words   |  7 Pagesarchitects in the eighth century and then a cathedral was added by Christian conquers in the sixteenth century . Islam was born in the seventh century but Islamic architectures’ uniqueness among other architectures appeared in the eighth century after the death of the Prophet Mohammad in 632 . The Roman Empire was the most important empire and it was recognized by its central location, which dominated not only Europe but also the whole Mediterranean basin, including the Near East and northern AfricaRead MoreLA County Museum of Art Essay1221 Words   |  5 PagesMills 174). These collections are classified into several departments within the museums buildings, depending on their region of origin, culture they represent, and time period from which they were found. This paper analyzes the different genres of art found in this museum and explains the main features that make the African and Asian artworks, specifically the Islamic artworks, distinguish themselves as historic masterpieces, by using stylistic and interpretive analysis methods. History and OriginRead MoreThe Conflict Of The Rwandan Genocide1511 Words   |  7 Pagesand would send the militia in to kill the survivors (Kimani, 2010). In a continent as vast as Africa, it is not uncommon to see the struggles of both Christianity and Islam play out. Just a couple years ago, the world heard about the Boko Haram Islamic extremist group kidnapping schoolgirls in Nigeria, forcing them to convert to Islam and marriage with other members of Boko Haram. Lesser known are the Christian terrorists of the African continent who attack and kill the Muslim community among themRead MoreLA County Museum of Art Essay example1258 Words   |  6 Pagescollections, which are mainly from Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin-America and America itself, are grouped into several departments within the museums buildings, depending on the region, culture, media, and time period. This paper analyzes the different genres of art and explains the main features that make the Islamic artworks disti nguish themselves as historic masterpieces, by using stylistic and interpretive analysis methods. History and Origin of LACMA Artworks The museums Asian art collectionRead MoreHistory of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cà ³rdoba1014 Words   |  4 Pagesthe Assumption of Our Lady. The mosque is considered one of the monumental jewels of Islamic civilization. In addition, it is one of the largest mosques in the entire world measuring about 24,000 square meters. The mosque was not all built at once, its construction lasted from 784 AD to 987 AD. First, Emir Abd ar-RahmanI began the construction of the mosque in the year 784, on a site that was originally home to Roman temple of Janus and Visigothic church of St Vincent. In the years 822 AD to 852 ADRead MoreThe And Of The Trinity Essay2138 Words   |  9 Pagesrisen to Heaven by God. Most Christians today believe Jesus was killed on the cross, yet after two days he resurrected. Muslims are the passionate supporters of the lessons of Jesus, Moses, and Mohammad. Muslims respect the genuine Bible (that mirrors God’s real message and the genuine lessons of Jesus and the prophets before him) as a heavenly sacred text. We trust that the Bible has been debased because of many reasons. The present Bible is not the initial version; however, it is not totallyRead MoreHistory Essay3334 Words   |  14 Pagespractices† the question aligns better with the Curriculum Framework by drawing on the extensive discussion of culture in multiple key concepts throughout Periods 4 through 6. Revised Question’s Alignment with the Curriculum Framework Key Concept 4.1.VI, VII; 4.3.I.A and B; 5.1.I; 5.2.III; 5.3.I, II; 5.4.III.B; 6.2.II and V; 6.3.II, III and IV Theme Theme 2: Development and Interaction of Cultures Skills for Basic Core Points Argumentation; Contextualization; Continuity and Change Over Time; Causation;Read MoreOrigin of International Law5357 Words   |  22 Pagescan be traced back to ancient times. However it can’t be denied that the words ‘International Law’ were used for the first time by eminent British Jurist, Jermy Bentham in 1780.7 The foundations of International Law lie in development of Western culture and political organization. The growth of European notions of sovereignty and the independent nation-state required an acceptable method whereby inter-state relations could be conducted in accordance with commonly accepted standards of behavior,Read MoreWorld Religion5936 Words   |  24 Pagesregarding nature that is frequently found in native religions. Group B 1. Describe some of the factors that have contributed to the modern study of indigenous religions? 2. Why are human relationships with nature crucial for tribal and small-scale cultures? 3. Explain key features of the animistic worldview. 4. What is sacred space and what is its relationship to the center? Group C 1. Define sacred time in indigenous religions and give an example. 2. What is sacred space and what is its relationship

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Buddhist and Christians Free Essays

Two of the most sought religion in the world is Buddhism and Christianity. Followers of the two aforementioned religions are very lenient when it comes to certain beliefs and practices. They preserve the sanctity of their chosen faith and ensure that the symbols of worship and history are well respected through the years. We will write a custom essay sample on Buddhist and Christians or any similar topic only for you Order Now Tibetan Buddhism is mostly followed in the regions of Himalayas. Countries that adhere to the said religion were India, Bhutan and Nepal. People in China, Russia and Mongolia are also Tibetan Buddhists. This religion has four main traditions namely Sakya, Kagyu, Nyingma and Sakya. All of th aforementioned division includes teachings of the three vehicles of Buddhism: Vajrayana, Mahayana and Foundation Vehicle (Coleman, 10). Achieving enlightenment is the main goal of Tibetan Buddhists. The right term for people who already gained enlightenment is Buddhahood. It is a state of mind wherein the nature of reality as well as mental obscurations is freed. Buddhists are considered as internalist because their state of mind is of great importance in the religion (Coleman, 22). Buddha is their god and they uses texts like Pali Canon, Tibetan Canon and Chinese Canon (Conze 35). Christianity on the other hand is a monotheistic religion which centers on Jesus Christ and his teachings. Christians are the followers of this religion who believes that Jesus is the only begotten son of God (Woodhead 7). Unlike Tibetan Buddhism which believes in karma, Christians believes that a life worth livings is when you adhere to the same way Jesus cared and sacrificed for others. It may incorporate similitude between the two religion because both belief aims to do well towards other people. In Christianity, Buddhahood is achieved when everlasting life is granted to its followers. Unlike Tibetan Buddhism which uses three different texts, Christianity uses The Holy Bible which is divided into two: The Old and The New Testaments (Woodhead). One of the famous symbols of worship in among Christians is the cross. It is being look upon by followers of Christianity as a significant affirmation of all the hardships of Christ (Padgett 18). It leads to the salvation of souls and forgiveness of sins. Christians even come up with the practice of the sign of the cross which affirms the sacredness of the symbol. Another symbol of worship for Christians is the fish which is often seen on tombs during the early times. It contains the Greek word Icththys which claims Christ’s character and professes the worship of believers (Padgett). The use of images and statues of Christ and other saints are also part of the symbols of worship for Christianity. Tibetan Buddhists look upon the Kalachara or the Tenfold powerful logo as their symbol of worship (Dagyab Thurman 46-55). It can be found everywhere in places where Tibetan Buddhism is present. It comes in various forms and represents the teachings of the religion. It contains representation of letters in Lantsa script discussing about the outer world and the human body (Dagyab Thurman 46-55). Typically, Tibetan Buddhists uses flags to decorate monasteries, houses and even mountains. They believe that the prayer flags contain mantras that can be spread out by the wind. These flags contain auspicious symbols, special prayers and mantras (Dagyab Thurman). Wind horse and Prayer wheels are also part of the symbols of worship for Tibetan Buddhists. It is also similar to prayer flags which contain special powers once the wheel is turned (Conze). Apart from Christianity, Buddhist relies too much on symbol rather than working out for their faith. Regardless of the difference of the two religions, what keeps them the same in religiosity is the willingness of their followers to stick to their belief and treasure the worship symbols. The concept of faith is given meaning in their respective ways and makes way for their goal of achieving enlightenment (Buddhists) and salvation (Christians). Works Cited Coleman, Graham, ed. A Handbook of Tibetan Culture. Boston: Shambhala Publications, Inc, 1993. Conze, Edward. A Short History of Buddhism. Oneworld. 1993 Padgett, Alan G. ; Sally Bruyneel. Introducing Christianity. Maryknoll, N. Y. : Orbis Books, 2003. Rinpoche, Dagyab Thurman, Robert Buddhist Symbols in Tibetan Culture. USA: Wisdom Publication, 1993. Woodhead, Linda. Christianity: a very short introduction. U. S: Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Oxford University Press, 2004. How to cite Buddhist and Christians, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Sustainability and Trends of the Global Trade Imbalance

Introduction Background: Global Trade Imbalance Within the context of international trade, the process of constantly changing patterns of trade is inevitable and, therefore, sustaining a trade balance is a serious challenge for the global community. Trade relations between different countries are not confined merely to the purpose of importing and exporting goods.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Sustainability and Trends of the Global Trade Imbalance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Rather, the importance of establishing trade contact is much more valued than the trade process itself. Tracing different patterns of trade and production, the problem of global trade imbalance is closely connected to trade determinants, including proximity, offshoring, natural resources, and different levels in technological development (Feenstra and Taylor 15). Hence, the probability of importing goods from a country is pri marily dependent on the degree of technological advancement, rather than on such important factors as proximity and natural resources. Hence, if one economy gains an advantage over manufacturing one product, other countries will definitely have fewer chances to compete with this country. As a result, a concept of comparative advantage emerges at the international market that is largely affected by the level of development of specific countries. Because of the relative fluctuation in the capital and labor in different markets, the shift in comparative advantages leads to the problem of global trade imbalances implying unequal allocation for the above-presented trade determinants. Such a situation excludes the consideration of the concept of comparative advantage. The current issues of global trade imbalance have been highlighted with connection to the global financial crisis, is the major outcome of the former. In particular, current account surpluses in emergent market economies hav e imposed a significant pressure on global interest rates, which contributed to credit boom in developed economies because of account deficits (Feenstra and Taylor 15). Within these perspectives, it is purposeful to consider the main factors contributing to the major global imbalances and highlight the main reasons and underpinnings of existing problems in terms of interest rates, cross-boundaries activities influencing capital flows.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Excess in saving in the developing countries has exerted serious pressure on the global interest rates. The decrease has forced a credit book and risks in major developed countries, such the USA, whose economic policy of credit share has become the premise for the global financial crisis. In this respect, Borio and Disyatat argue, â€Å"†¦the international monetary and financial system lacks suffic iently strong anchors to prevent excessive credit growth and to contain the â€Å"elasticity† inherent in global finance† (200). At this point, the major failure of the global imbalance lies in extreme flexibility and elasticity of the macroeconomic sphere, but not in excess saving. International financial and monetary systems, therefore, suffer from imbalance because of the excess elasticity leading to a financial crisis. Purpose of the Study The main purpose of the research is to define the main underpinnings of trade global imbalance and analyze which patterns have emerged as a result of the phenomenon. Evaluation of sustainability of global imbalance is also significant for defining future trends of international trade development. Finally, specific policies addressing global trade imbalance should be considered in terms of their effectiveness and appropriateness. All these approaches are estimated through the analysis of internal and external dilemmas in the sphere of trade. Important insight should be made to the historical analysis to highlight the roots of the problem and analyze the shifts to be made to provide solutions. Discussion Factors Contributing to Global Trade Imbalance U.S. Trade Deficit The complex international relations of the United States with other countries, particularly China and Japan, have become a milestone in trade deflection from balance. American policymakers have viewed China’s exchange rate as the reason for extreme U.S. trade deficits. At the end of 2008, China increased its foreign reserves up to $ 3 trillion, which was $ 2 trillion larger than two years before. Moreover, China managed to displace Japan and receive the largest trade surplus while holding trade with the USA (Liew 656).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Sustainability and Trends of the Global Trade Imbalance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Many US political pla yers focused on the Yuan as the major scapegoat for the emerging trade gaps in the US. Using this beneficial strategy allowed to assume this is a sophisticated tactic that the Chinese policymakers chose to impair the US financial system and economy. According to Liew, â€Å"†¦.US trade deficit is constrained not just by the structural and behavioral factors†¦but also by the demands of China’s domestic political economy† (657). Because of these assumptions, the American policymakers have perceived the Chinese economy as a threat to the U.S. trade prosperity and superiority on the global arena. The US authorities perceived the large US trade imbalance in partnership with China as a serious security issues. The danger of trade gap was due to a number of reasons. First, there is an assumption that continuous trade influenced current US industrialization (Liew 658). Because of China’s trade policies, the US manufacture base was put under the threat. Second, the attention should be given to the relationship between the U.S. trade gap and the growing U.S. international debt. Because of deteriorating positions of the US international investment, the country, which had previously been recognized as a world’s net creditor, became the biggest debtor in the world in 1990. The growing U.S. trade deficits worsened the situation with the external debt and, as a result, they reinforced its position of the top debtor in the world, making the country depend on foreign purchases. The third factor contributing to the U.S. deficit was considering the trade relations with China as a security concern in terms of the capacity that this financial advantage was provided to enhance China’s prosperity in the global economy (Liew 660). While referring to the Richardian model of comparative advantage, China surpassed the US economy by means of introducing effective source powers, which is one of the determining factors in trade. China’s t echnological capacity was much stronger than that of the USA.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Finally, heavy dependence on the oil-importing countries put the United Stated out of competition with China and other developing economies. Improving its financial and technological strength, China managed to increase its financial independence because it introduced significant funding of a research and development field. The above-presented factors revealed the actual reasons for the US dollar devaluation as a result of the aggressive and superficial policy of the United States with the developing countries. A failure to establish fruitful cooperation in the Asian region has left a serious imprint on the US economy and financial stability. Current Account Imbalance Current account imbalances should specifically be concerned with the most industrialized countries in the world, including the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Italy, France, Japan, and Germany. At this point, the current account deficits and surpluses in the identified economies with flexible exchange rates and open capital markets are considered a common equilibrium phenomenon. Moreover, the concept of current account adjustment in the developing economies and the interaction between this adjustment and financial crisis recently became the major problem. In addition, the focus on the so-called Great Seven provides a comprehensive analysis of adjustment of the US trade deficit (Gourinchas and Rey 11). At this point, it is reasonable to take a deep look at the historical perspectives of commercial development of the United States to define the origins of current account imbalances in the world. While measuring the U.S. net foreign asset situation from 1952 to 2004, one can view a remarkable decline from 15 % of GDP in 1952 to -26 % of GDP in 2004 (Gourinchas and Rey 12). Regarding the net investment position from period 1989- 2008, the recession tendency influenced further financial imbalances in the country (See Appendix 1). Judging from this figure, the valuation components – differences betwe en net foreign assess and the current account series had a potent impact on the dynamics of the external position of the United States. Therefore, the rise of net liabilities in the country did not contribute to the overall rise in net income payments. Despite the exceeding rate of gross liabilities, the US income account was still positive. To support the idea, Gourinchas and Rey state, â€Å"the income generated by the (smaller) U.S.-owned assets abroad is larger than the income paid on the (larger) foreign-owned assets in the United States† (18). In addition to the above, the yield represents another important component of the total revenues of the United States external liabilities and assets. The USA is considered as the world’s important trade center, despite the failure of the exchange rate regime. Represented as the World Banker, the United Stated managed to carry out short borrowing and lend long-termed credits. The US balance sheet is regarded as a venture ca pitalist with risky investments. The currency prevalence of assets is a very sophisticated issue because it is able to denominate the price of liabilities in dollars, thus changing the exchange rate exposure in the other economies. The US external balance sheet is instrumental in stabilizing the external account of the emerging economies (Gourinchas and Rey 22). In this respect, the US dollar depreciation positively contributed to the external position in terms of net exports and rise of the value of US assets. With the United States in the centre of the current account imbalance, other countries have suffered from the financial gaps as well. In particular, the country has faced a serious challenge while adjusting the emerging imbalances at a domestic level because the causes of the problem are connected to foreign emergencies. The focus on such Middle East countries as Saudi Arabia and Lebanon demonstrates the controversies occurred in terms of oil export and import operations. At this point, the average current account t in this region is positive and amounts to 9.5 % from 2000 to 2010 (Wille 26). Therefore, the current account of the countries exporting oil equals to 13.4 %, whereas the oil-importing countries witness a negative current account of 0.8 % in the similar decade (Wille 27). This concrete example can be applicable to other oil-exporting countries having an underdeveloped industry sector unlike to the developed economies. Phenomenon of Trade Savings Glut As it has been determined previously, the U.S. trade deficit is strongly associated with the net foreign asset position. Due to the fact that U.S. investment rates surpass the U.S. saving rates, the foreign borrowing was the only way to fill in the financial gap. As a result, many theorists believe that lack in the U.S. saving rate caused the trade deficit and, in order to address this emerging issues, the American policymakers strived to cut down the trade deficit by promoting national saving (L abonte 2). The chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke noted that the major reason for the trade deficit did not lie in insufficient domestic saving, but in the internal saving glut (Labonte 2). At this point, the author provides Bernanke’s view on the saving glut who states, â€Å"†¦world saving is so abundant because foreign saving rates in the industrialized world are high and investment demand is low as a result of its rapidly aging populations† (Labonte 7). Such a situation contributed to a world’s change from â€Å"from a net borrower to a net lender† (Labonte 7). To take a closer look at the situation, several reasons occur. To begin with, the period of the financial crisis at the end of 1990s put the developing world in the necessity to borrow. This was of particular concern to such countries as Mexico, Turkey, Argentina and Southern Asian (Labonte 8). In this respect, the flowing capital in the third-world countries required a new dire ction. The financial crisis also triggered the improvement of fiscal position by involving less borrowing budget deficits and introducing foreign exchange reserves. As a result of the foreign exchange accumulation, the central became as the source of capital outflows, which led to the current account surplus. Increasing foreign reserves is also a kind of national saving carried out by the central bank, but not by private citizens. In addition to the above, the oil prices boosting also caused increase in saving and income for most of the developing countries exporting oil. The rise of global saving glut, therefore, supports the reasons for the U.S. saving recession. Because the capital inflows increased, the U.S. assets prices made the Americans wealthier in the 1990s (Labonte 8). Therefore, they U.S. citizens were more likely to consume more and save less. At the same time, the foreign capital inflows led to lower interest rates, which increased the American housing prices. Accordin g to the Federal Reserve chairman, the rise in household welfare due to the price increase was also the main reason for decline in savings and intensity in consumption (Labonte 8). With regard to the global saving glut as the major underpinning of imbalances, it can be assumed that current account imbalances can either temporary or permanent. Discrepancies in business cycle at domestic and foreign levels belong to a contemporary factor. At this point, the United States has currently been promoted to the economic expansion in comparison with other industrial countries. The second factor is premised on the decrease in investment rate in some East Asian economies that strive to cut their foreign borrowing. Finally, the governmental intervention to lessen exchange rate value in the Asian region has also influenced the current account imbalance. Evaluating Sustainability of Global Trade Imbalance Estimating External Deficits With regard to the investment and saving behavior and dynamic o ptimization, the external balances, along with the exchange rate, are consistent. Due to the U.S. trade deficit caused by the dollar expansion, the prices significantly increased and the employment rates did not correspond to the existing economic standards. This negative shift was closely connected with the external deficit at the end of the 1990s. The problem is that US policy trade suffered a difficult situation because of the failure to mediate the supporters and opponents of the liberalization in the country. Judging from the above-presented assumptions, the high evaluation of dollar caused a growing external imbalance. According to Institute of International Economics, â€Å"dollar overvaluation†¦is demonstrably the most accurate leading indicator of protectionist trade policies in the United States† (41). With regard to the assumption based on the historical facts, future trends can resemble the previous ones. The consequences of the U.S. trade deficit had a signi ficant impact on the European trade surplus and currency undervaluation. In particular, the external surplus of the European Union ranged between 1 % and 1.5 % at the end of 1990 (Institute for International Economics 42). The unusual situation triggered an abrupt deterioration of the EU trade balance that was also followed by the deplorable unemployment rates. As soon as the European currency sets its credibility, the portfolio diversification will start. In other words, a shift from dollars to euro appreciation will occur, which will result in a significant reversal of the EU’s external position. It will later move into a substantial deficit leading to a financial crisis and, as a result, the monetary dynamic in Europe and the United needs to be reevaluated to avoid overvaluation of the currency and eliminate the huge deficit. Perspectives of Current Account Balance While evaluating the exports and imports within the countries and outside them, the perspectives of current a ccount balance provide a complicated picture. In particular, they are expressed in connection to the world GDP to provide an analysis of their global appropriateness. In this respect, countries such as Asia, Japan, and oil-exporting countries confront the current account deficit in the United States. In contrast, the current account balance is observed in the European region. In order to understand the future trends of reversal and change, it is reasonable to link them to the development of current account balances for a longer period of time. While focusing on the United States and Europe and their GDP levels, a negative movement of the current account can be observed (Lane et al. 7). This is of particular concern to the 1980s when both Europe and the United States undergo significant current account fluctuations. At this point, the European countries underwent a positive trade balance, whereas the United Stated experienced a strongly negative trade balance. In 1990s, the internati onal trade faced serious shifts due to the deterioration of current account balances in both regions. Drawing the parallels between the periods, the 80s witnessed a negative balance of -0.68 whereas 1996-2006 witnessed a positive increase of balances up to 0.40 (Lane et al. 7). Within the perspectives and future trends, collective deficit will not exceed the current value, which about 3 % of GDP in 2006 (Lane et al. 8). It is twice larger than in 1980s that reflected the extreme deficit in the USA. While combining the trade balances of Japan, Europe and the United States, future tendencies will not differ significantly from the figures established in the 80s of the past century. With regard to the different roles and degrees to which current account balances fluctuations among the developed and developing countries, it should be stressed that the future trends in international trade will be preserved in terms of the entire external balance. Evaluating International Capital Markets R eferring back to the problem of borrowing and lending, specific attention should be paid to the analysis of the international capital market to understand the main underpinnings of the global trade imbalance. In this respect, acting as lenders and borrowers, the emerging countries are under the greatest threat because of the possibility of default. Because lenders often denominate their currency, they are unlikely to risk due to the constant discount rates they receive. As a result, the emerging economies can be detached from the international capital market, contributing to the rapidly growing global trade imbalances. According to Flood and Marion, â€Å"because lenders to [emerging economies] countries understand that default is possible, they require a â€Å"spread† above the offshore safe rate to make EM lending profitable over the long run† (880). Otherwise, there is a possibility for the emerging economies to be excluded from the international capital market shar e with no lending rates becoming beneficial. At this point, the risk-neutral lenders do not lend because they acknowledge that higher rates of lending can lead to the risk of default. Among the risk factors that the borrowing countries can face, it is possible to single out such issues as fluctuations in foreign interest rates, returns to output growth, and output variance. In addition, in case of the countries’ default, the high probability of being out of the threat provides the borrowing countries with an incentive to take advantage of high-variance projects. Consequently, such countries are likely to have output variance as compared two the developed countries with a lower risk of default. Assuming the fact that there is a rigid disparity between the developed and the developing economies, the international capital market share of the latter is the smallest one. Nevertheless, the third-world countries are greatly motivated by the ability to receive an option value of not being defaulted and, therefore, their projects are much more competitive than those proposed by the developed economies. Policies and Solutions to Address the Problem of Global Trade Imbalance With regard to the complicated and diverse nature of the global trade imbalance, the solutions should also approach the problem in a multi-dimensional way. More importantly, both domestic and international perspectives should be taken into consideration to define how those are interchanged. At a domestic level, the country experiencing trade deficit should widen their perspective and consider issues other than inflation targeting regimes. Policy frameworks should strengthen the monetary policy and provide an opposition to the financial imbalances. At the international level, complicated issues are involved. In particular, excess focus on the domestic trade can deprive the country of the possibility to global spillovers. In this situation, the country can leave the problem unsolved because of t he unfulfilled possibility of international cooperation. In addition, the excess elasticity of the financial system provides much wider policies to introduce. In particular, the focus n the fiscal policy is a beneficial point because this sphere should carefully be tackled so as to avoid the trade imbalances. Judging from the above-presented problems and solutions, there is a potential need for a more systematic financial and monetary policies addressing to the macroeconomic issues. Increasing elasticity of the credit economy can allow the financial system to generate more approaches to gain revenue and stay afloat at the international market. In other words, the role of money in the international economy is critical and, therefore, reference to the traditional economic paradigms can provide a fresh insight to solving the problem of global trade imbalance. Conclusion The importance of sustaining a global trade imbalance designates future successful development of fixed and emerging economies. The importance of establishing trade relations attains increasing importance because it identifying the constantly changing patterns of international trade. In particular, input and output operations are closely associated with such trade factors as geographic location, natural resources, and technological development — all these determinants in complex shape the overall current account balance and international capital market. More importantly, the financial aspects of international trade are largely dependent on the surpluses and deficits rates, as well as the stability of the currency exchange rates. Looking from these perspectives, the U.S. trade deficit, its complicated relationships with the Asian countries, as well as undervaluation of the European currency have greatly contributed to the trade imbalance. Other nuances, such as impossibility of emerging economies to engage with the international capital market operation, are also considered as the underpinni ngs of the identified problems. In order to address the issue, a more systematic and broader view should be introduced to define the positions and potential of the international market. Widening elasticity and focusing on money as the primary source of relations are obligatory for sustaining the trade imbalance. Works Cited Borio, Claudio, and Piti Disyatat. â€Å"Global Imbalances and the Financial Crisis: Reassessing the Role of International Finance.† Asian Economic Policy Review 5.2 (2010): 198-216. Feenstra, Robert and Alan Taylor. International Trade. US: Worth Publishers, 2008. Print. 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