Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Most Talented Secretary Of State - 2309 Words

How could one man be what some consider the most talented Secretary of State there was and also be a disappointing president? John Quincy Adams, the 6th President of America, was a brilliant secretary of state but proved to be the wrong man for president. However, he was an amazingly skilled individual who worked hard in any position. He once said, â€Å"Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into air.† He definitely lived by this rule, as he worked hard to improve America, making many improvements, such as the Monroe Doctrine, settling border disputes, and improving foreign relations. Despite his unsuccessful presidency, his brilliance and forward thinking is still remembered.†¦show more content†¦However, Abigail Adams was very strict with her parenting and wanted to guide her children towards virtue (Nagel, 9). While this was hard due to John Adam’s absence, Abigail used letters from their f ather to teach her children good morals. Every Adam’s child looked up to their father, especially John Adams. Because his father was his role model, John Quincy picked up many of his traits. These included determination, a fierce independence, and stubbornness. This was also due to his parents’ strict and proper parenting values. They made John Quincy into a very virtuous and moral person and such a young age. While his father was gone, he took it upon himself to be the man of the house, taking it in his hands to protect his family and help his mother with his siblings even though he was around the age of 10. â€Å"(He felt) responsible—as the eldest son—for protecting his mother while his father attended to the business of revolution† (John Quincy Adams: Life Before the Presidency). He looked up to his father greatly and wanted to fill his role as much as possible. His sense of responsibility and good work ethic started at a young age and would st ay with him his whole life. He was educated by his father’s diplomats, tutors, and Abigail, and excelled in all courses including Latin and history. John Quincy enjoyed intellectual challenges and used his mind only for work, as he thought, â€Å"My thoughts are running after birds eggs, play, and trifles† (Nagel, 11). He felt the need to

Monday, December 23, 2019

Kate Chopins Writing Career and Influence on Society Essay

Kate Chopin was a influential author that introduced powerful female characters to the american literacy world. She was most known for her brilliant book The Awakening. However at that time it received many negative reviews, causing the downfall of Kate’s writing career. Now the book is such a influential story that it is being taught in classrooms throughout the world. This essay will discuss Kate Chopin’s writing career and the impact her writing has on society. Kate Chopin was an author best known for her strong leading female characters. The essence of her characters was based on her female oriented upbringing. She was raised at home by her mother, grandmother, and great grandmother and at school she was taught by nuns. The soul of†¦show more content†¦Kate became nationally known as a short story writer in 1894. Her second novel The Awakening was published in 1899 and it became the demise of her career. The majority of the stories written in that era had a male dominant nature. Kate, creating main character roles of women, was one of the first american writers to overcome those set society boundaries. She was a influential voice to the public since she focused solely on the problems and needs of women living in a male dominant society. The Awakening’s main character, Edna, was a woman searching for a place in society, love, and individuality. Kate impressively portrayed Edna as a free spirited woman who openly was searching for her own happiness. The public at this time believed that portraying a woman in this way was an abomination to the literary world. The continuous bad publicity of her second novel made it exceptionally hard for her to publish more stories. Kate continued writing stories after The Awakening was published. They were not revealed to the society since no publisher would publish her stories because of her negative press. On August 20th, 1904, Kate was at a St. Louis World’s Fair and suffered a cerebra l hemorrhage. She remained in hospital until her death on August 22nd. Kate Chopin was buried at St. Louis’s cemetery next to her son and husband. Kate Chopin was a great author who knew how to express women tryingShow MoreRelatedThe Unique Style Of Kate Chopin s Writing1603 Words   |  7 PagesThe unique style of Kate Chopin’s writing has influenced and paved the way for many female authors. Although not verbally, Kate Chopin aired political and social issues affecting women and challenging the validity of such restrictions through fiction. Kate Chopin, a feminist in her time, prevailed against the notion that a woman’s purpose was to only be a housewife and nothing more. Kate Chopin fortified the importance of women empowerment, self-expression, self-assertion, and female sexuality throughRead More The Life of Kate Chopin1083 Words   |  5 Pageslife of Kate Chopin      Ã‚  Ã‚   Kate Chopin led a fascinating life filled with times of triumph but also times of great loss. Living in the South during the post-Civil War era, the setting and experiences of her life would have a great impact on the subjects of her writing. Chopin began writing as a way to express her frustration with life. This is why her emotions about life are conveyed so strongly in her writing. One of her short stories, Juanita, is an excellent example of how Chopins life affectedRead MoreThe Female Role in A Rose for Emily, Miss Brill, and The Storm1160 Words   |  5 PagesReading literature, at first, might seem like simple stories. However, in works like William Faulkners â€Å"A Rose for Emily,† Katherine Mansfields â€Å"Miss Brill,† and Kate Chopins â€Å"The Storm,† the female protagonists are examples of how society has oppressive expectations of women simply because of their gender. In â€Å"A Rose for Emily,† by William Faulkner, the story starts out with a distinctive split between the motivations of men and women: â€Å"The men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallenRead More American Literature: Kate Chopin, and Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman1506 Words   |  6 Pagesis associated with influence of the American culture. People should know more about their culture, because it is the place where they are living in. Literature was brought to the United States from the European culture. The American literature started to develop during the antebellum era in the late 19th century and the 20th century. At this period of time many writers started to get well known in the American society. Good examples of two good antebellum era writers are Kate Chopin, and Mary EleanorRead MoreLeo Haines. Professor Capozzi. Research Paper. April 29,1518 Words   |  7 PagesLeo Haines Professor Capozzi Research Paper April 29, 2017 Kate Chopin Kate Chopin was a famous author of short stories and articles. Kate was born on February 8, 1850, in St. Louis Missouri, and she grew up speaking English and French. After her husband has passed in 1882, and that is when her writing career launched. In most of her novels and stories her characters are bilingual, also known as fluent in two languages. Kate Chopin using the theme of feminism in her stories, â€Å"The Awakening†, â€Å"TheRead More Louise Mallard in The Story Of An Hour Essay1624 Words   |  7 Pagesthe boundaries imposed on women by society in the nineteenth century. The author Kate Chopin, like the character in her story, had first-hand experience with the male-dominated society of that time and had experienced the death of her husband at a young age (Internet). The similarity between Kate Chopin and her heroine can only leave us to wonder how much of this story is fiction and how much is personal experience.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Indeed, Louise Mallard and Kate Chopin’s lives are very similar and ironic.Read MoreMarriage in the 1800s Essay1802 Words   |  8 Pagesï » ¿Jim Furdine February 7th 2014 ENC 1101 Ms. Dominique Marriage Portrayed by Women in the 1800s Marriage has been portrayed as many things throughout the years. In the short stories, The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin and A Jury of Her Peers by Susan Glaspell both portray marriage, and how it does not always bring happiness. Each story was written by a married woman in the 1800s, this could reveal and interrupt how the lives of a married woman were in their time period. InRead MoreEssay on The Importance of Point of View in Kate Chopin’s Fiction3285 Words   |  14 PagesThe Importance of Point of View in Kate Chopin’s Fiction The impact of Kate Chopin’s novel, The Awakening, on society resulted in her ruin, both literary and social. Reviewers called it vulgar, improper, unhealthy, and sickening. One critic said that he wished she had never written it, and another wrote that to truly describe the novel would entail language not fit for publication (Stipe 16). The overwhelming condemnation of the entire book rather than just Edna’s suicide seems surprisingRead More The Awakening: America Was Not Ready For Edna Pontellier Essay1868 Words   |  8 Pagesindependent woman to be introduced. Women at all levels of society were active in attempts to better their lot, and the New Woman, the late nineteenth-century equivalent of the liberated woman, was much on the public mind (Culley 117). Women were finally publicly discussing private matters and gaining on their male counterparts’ socioeconomic status, and in 1899, in the midst of the womens movement, American society seemed rea dy for Kate Chopin’s newest invention, Edna Pontellier. Madame Edna PontellierRead MoreAn Analysis of â€Å"the Story of an Hour†1245 Words   |  5 Pageswith the boundaries imposed on women by society in the nineteenth century. The author Kate Chopin, like the character in her story, had first-hand experience with the male-dominated society of that time and had experienced the death of her husband at a young age. The similarity between Kate Chopin and her heroine can only leave us to wonder how much of this story is fiction and how much is personal experience. Indeed, Louise Mallard and Kate Chopin’s lives are very similar. Louise’s life began

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Women Development Free Essays

Women’s condition in Nepal is even worse compared to their average situation in the world. Despite positive and improving reports in the situation, there is a long way to go to really make them feel that they are not exploited and discriminated. The female literacy rate of Nepal is about 35 percent, according to recent report, compared to male literacy rate of 63 percent. We will write a custom essay sample on Women Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now This vast difference exists not only in educational sector but also in almost each sector. The education is the foundation of awareness and further development.When they are barred from education, there is chance of discriminations being unreported forcing women to be quiet. The women in Nepal are exploited in many aspects. Sexual abuse and girl trafficking still persists which demands adoption of immediate measures to prevent the situation from being more worsened. Most of the victims of human trafficking in Nepal are girls who end up in the brothel of Indian cities. The female victims of domestic violence are kept secret with the fear of losing social reputation specially to be prevented form possible refusal from their male counterparts and there no clear law to deal with the situation. In the remote villages of Nepal, women take care almost everything from bringing up children, manage food, taking care of cattle, collecting fodder and firewood to working in the fields. Despite their significant contribution in the family and society, they are mistreated and blamed for minor mistakes. The situation of Nepalese women seems to be improving in cities but the scene in the remote villages and hinterland is not changing at all. They are the victim of religion, culture and their male ‘guardians’.The Chaupadi system in western hill region of Nepal is yet to be rooted out, the Kamlari system in West Terai is still allowing to sell innocent teenage girls to unknown masters. The Muslim society of the country is still not awaken up to send all of their daughters in school, the drunken husband has not stopped beating his wife without any reason and Dalit women are still treated as second class citizen by so called upper classes. These are only some examples of curre nt situation of women in Nepal. The worldwide condition of the women is not better either.No matter where, the half of the world population should be addressed in each and every aspect of the life. The mere participation can not be much effective for the overall development of the society. Women’s problems are effectively dealt only by women themselves. Keeping them out of the social and political activities may cause social dilemma in the nation. The vivid example of relation between empowerment of women and social and economical development can be seen in many developed European countries.Sweden, which is known as a country with the best condition of women in the world is one of the most developed country in the world as well. Though in those developed countries too, the situation of women is not better than those of male, they are doing their best to keep the balance and further improve the situation. Thus the messages from those developed countries is ‘Empowering female means development of the nation’. The female participation in social, economical and political activities in the country like Nepal is vitally important. Women’s legal rights and participation in civil society are limited across the country.Nepal is moderately religious country with vast numbers of ethnic groups, though it has been declared as a secular state after king was striped of his power by reinstated parliament in 2006. Though it used to be Hindu kingdom, there were no religion-related fanaticisms in the country. Nepalese are also relatively less repulsive to change. Hence, improving the women situation in Nepal is comparatively easier than many other countries in the world. Women are contributing more than 50 percent of the agricultural jobs which is considered as a backbone of Nepal’s economy (Agriculture contributes Nepal’s total GDP by 40 percent).They are the first teachers of their kids who are the source of future development of the country. Active participation of women in social, political and political arena means educated kids, improved health situation slipped human trafficking, declining HIV/AIDS infection rate and many other in current Nepal’s social scenario. They can make much difference in the outlook of our current society. They must be encouraged and given opportunity to walk parallel with their male counterparts. Even though some important laws are still missing, there are substantial laws n the nation to guarantee the right of women. Many laws are being modified to address the real need of the change and to follow up the international regulations but the situation is not getting much better. The law is only the way, we are the walker and if we do not walk our talk, the situation of women may never change and so will do the nation’s situation. Women on the other hand should be aware of their situation act on their own. Many organizations working in the field should be able to extend their approach to the villages of remote areas.Political parties are advocating their commitment on equal participation of women in all fields but it has not been seen in the practice. Political leadership is still largely occupied by men essentially leading unequal equal participation in policy making level. So, it has to be done from the very base level. Lack of education is root cause of the situation. Female education has been shown to have a dramatic impact on women’s earning power and on families’ welfare but progress toward gender equality in education still lags behind to those of boys.Education for all should be guaranteed by the government which will certainly help to eliminate not only women discrimination but also other discriminations (ethnic, regional, religious etc. ) across the country. Once the literacy rate rises, so does the female participation in many areas. To empower women, it has to be done by act not by words. The empowerment of the women will be one big step forward to overall development of the nation. As Nepal has already been entered into a new age of change, equality between male and female should be one of the top most priorities for policy makers. How to cite Women Development, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Blood Bananas and Boeing Bets the Company

Question: Discuss about theBlood Bananas and Boeing Bets the Company. Answer: Chiquita Brands International Inc. was one of the major marketer and distributor of quality fresh produce in the world especially banana produce and had its headquarter in Cincinnati, Ohio (Teagarden, M Schotter, A, 2010). To increase its market share, the company opened another branch in Colombia called Banadex Company. However, during this time the Colombian country was characterized by lawlessness whereby armed local militias by the name AUC organization were involved in many atrocities. They demanded cash from Banadex Company, and in return, the AUC group would protect them. Presented with these challenges, Chiquita Company was in a dilemma on whether to pay the AUC team and in return get protection or refuse to pay the paramilitary group and risk the safety of their employees and the company and the last option was to close the business and exit the country (Teagarden, M Schotter, A, 2010). From the above options, the most viable one was to agree to pay the AUC because of the following key issues. One of the biggest problems is that Chiquita had already established its brand and market in North America and Europe. Banadex had a large plantation holding in Colombia for producing bananas, and out of the other international subsidiaries, it was the most profitable one (Harnish, V, Dumaine, B Collins, J, 2013). From the sales of Chiquita brand, Banadex contributed a significant share of the bananas sold. Apart from the local demand in USA and Colombia, there was also an increasing demand for bananas from many other countries. Therefore, exiting Colombia could have affected the supply of the bananas to these markets and perhaps lose the market for not meeting their customers demand. Also, it would have affected the profit generated by the Chiquita brand and the value of the stakeholder (Pederson, J Thomson, G, 2007) Besides, Banadex Company had a duty to protect their employees as stipulated in the world labor laws. AUC organization threatened their employees by either kidnapping or killing them, and therefore the company had to ensure the safety of their employees is guaranteed. According to the US state department the AUC was not yet listed among the worlds Foreign Terrorist Organization, therefore paying them their demand for cash was not illegal, and at the end, they would protect their employees (Pederson, J Thomson, G, 2007). Banadex generated many jobs in Colombia; in fact, it created 4,400 direct jobs and further 8,000 indirect jobs for workers which were performed entirely by Colombians. Besides, Banadex Company generated a good amount of the revenue to the Colombian government. Yearly, the Company generated approximately $70 million to the economy in Colombia. This income was in the form of taxes, payroll, pension, social security, capital expenditure and the local purchase of goods and services. Hence, closing the company and exiting the country would have made a significant impact on the Colombian government since the source of revenue would have been reduced and loss of many jobs to the locals would translate poverty to many families. Lastly, the cost of hiring an authorized security company to protect the employees, plantation and the company against AUC organization members who numbered ranged from 8,000 to 11,000 was costly. Such kind of a security arrangement would have been provided by the Colombian or US government however they were not ready to intervene in the situation. Also, it was very unlikely for the Colombian government to accept a security firm hired by Chiquita from the US to ensure the safety in the Colombian soil. Therefore it is prudent for Chiquita to take the option of agreeing despite having some ramifications since the benefits of paying the AUC organization is the only viable option, and it outweighs the cost of taking other options because of their dire implications. From the two companys strategies, Boeing Company had the best chance of succeeding in the future market since their strategy were mainly focused on reducing the cost and increasing the efficiency. The Boeing Company is one of the leading companies in the aerospace industry and manufactures both commercial and military planes. Faced with a myriad of challenges in 2004, Boeing business management came up with a new differential strategy. The company decided to produce 787 Dreamliner planes that compete with Airbus A380 (Newhouse, 2007). The Boeing Companys differential strategy was aimed at fulfilling clients unique needs and what the clients identified as valuable and unique (Malcolm-Gibbs, W, Roberts, P, Sharam, D, 2007). Many airlines mostly use the hub and the spoke system however according to Boeing this is not going to be the future of the aviation market system. According to Boeing, in future, this system will shift to flights that deal with direct flights destinations between smaller airports. Thus this will enable the clients to reach their destination timely without wasting their time to pass through airports. The Boeing 787 which is a midrange plane unlike A380 which is a Jumbo jet was designed to carry passenger ranging 220 to 250. It was to consume 20% less fuel, and this would make it be more fuel efficient and cheap to operate in contrast to other planes. Currently, due to the skyrocketing price of gasoline, and the cost of plane maintenance, companies, will be buying more fuel efficient and cheap to operate aircraft like 787. Besides, Boeing 787 airplane was to be manufactured using graphite/epoxy resin in place of using the traditional Aluminum material. By using graphite/epoxy resin which is lightweight composite material they will be able to reduce the time consumed during the inspection (Mathew, 2007). Therefore because of using such material, it will significantly reduce the manufacturing time. Also, the plane was designed to fly faster, higher cover more nautical miles, cleaner, produce less noise and more efficient than other midrange aircraft. To solve the customers complaints, 787 were designed with bigger windows, seats, restrooms and overhead bin, therefore, increasing the comfort of the clients. Customers like traveling in a more comfortable environment and thus will be attracted to 787 since it offers that convenience (Harnish, V, Dumaine, B Collins, J, 2013). Also, by designing the plane in both short and long-range designs means they will be able to satisfy the customer demands. With increased competition, it is most likely that the passengers will opt for planes that travel point to point contrary to point to hub and change to moving with bigger planes (Flottau, J Norris, G, 2014). After being characterized by previous production problems that led to delay in production, Boeing needs to re-examine the need for offshore outsourcing products for the manufacturing process. They should mend their ways labor unions involved in outsourcing to avoid such a scenario. Therefore, Boeing should incorporate new supply chain design that includes tier-1 and tier-2 suppliers. Therefore if this will be done effectively will help in reducing the final assembly time to three days in con trast to 737 version. This means there will be timely delivery of 787 as scheduled. Bibliography Flottau, J Norris, G. (2014). Firm Commitment: Civil Aircraft Manufacturers are Betting on Positive Market Fundamentals, but this alone will not ensure risk-free ride. Aviation Week and Space Technology, 176, 22. Harnish, V, Dumaine, B Collins, J. (2013). The Greatest Business Decisions of all Times: How Apple, Ford, IBM, Zappos, and others made radical choices that changed the business course. Jennings, M. (2012). Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings. Southe Western, Australia: Cencage Learning. Malcolm-Gibbs, W, Roberts, P, Sharam, D. (2007). The Boeing Company. Geelong, Australia: World Wide Entertainment. Mathew, M. (2007). Case Studies on Aviation Industry. Hyderabad, India: ICFAI Books. Newhouse, J. (2007). Boeing Versus Airbus: The Inside Story of the Greatest International Competition in Business. New York: A.A.Knopf. Pederson, J Thomson, G. (2007). International Directory of Company Histories: Volume 83. Detroit, Mich: St. James Press. Teagarden, M Schotter, A. (2010). Blood Bananas: Chiquita in Colombia. Boston: Mass Harvard Business Review.