Thursday, October 31, 2019

Civil War Battles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Civil War Battles - Essay Example The confederacy was forced to defend with limited resources, which was a subjected to union thrust along multiple avenues approach. The pacific Coast Theater was known to be the military operation in the United States around the Pacific Ocean. The department of the pacific, which include the states of Nevada, California, Washington, and Oregon territory, encompassed this theater. Operations directed against Confederate irregulars in California were placed in Southern California, and New Mexico territory to control the region, which had strong secessionists’ sympathies. The battles were organized in geographical presence of Mountainous terrain. This increased the chance of conflict as they offered terrain where rebels can seek sanctuary. A high production of primary commodities in various states increased national exports significantly increasing the risk of conflict and thus contributing to financing of the civil war. The time between the civil battles and the war gave room for a conflict to recur and significantly increased the opportunity cost of restarting the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Hiroshima, a Tragedy That Could Have Been Averted Essay Example for Free

Hiroshima, a Tragedy That Could Have Been Averted Essay The nuclear bombings of Japan are a very controversial topic, and is highly discussed and researched by scholars and the general public. The nuclear bombings are not just a small part in military history, but a lesson in reality and the destruction possible of man to achieve their goals; these bombings have raised a whole host of ethical issues and concerns, which must be taken into consideration. There are many reasons why the actions taken by the United States and specifically President Truman to drop the A-Bomb on Hiroshima were absolutely unnecessary. On the other hand there is an abundant amount of weak justification as to why it was so imperative for the U. S. to distinguish the lives of sixty-six thousand civilians in the blink of an eye, and cause catastrophic destruction and disparity that would have a lasting effect for decades to come. The atomic bomb should have never been dropped on Japan because the atomic bomb is not a strategic weapon. It could be compared to Pheasant hunting using a Sherman Tank. According to writer Mary Bellis, â€Å"the bomb was dropped from the Enola Gay. It missed by only 800 feet. At 0816 hours, in an instant, 66,000 people were killed and 69,000 injured by a 10-kiloton atomic explosion† (Bellis). We can begin by looking at the reasons that ultimately led to the decision to bomb Hiroshima, and the heart of it, with President Truman. On Dec 7, 1941 the Japanese conducted an unprovoked air assault on the U. S. naval base in Pearl Harbor; by doing this the Japanese caused the U. S. to be brought into WWI. Bill Gordon, in his Essay reminds us that, as a result, for four long years, severe loathing of the Japanese people grew immensely in the U.  S. , and many U. S citizens and members of the government viewed the Japanese as a very barbaric race of people, which gave the impression that the bombing would be justified. (Gordon). The fear of them in the U. S. was so present that they were rounded up and confined in containment camps including naturalized Japanese Americans. To add to their unpopularity was their mistreatment of U. S. prisoners of war which to say the least was horrifying, and their attempts to cover them up were proof that they knew they were committing war crimes. But ask yourself, does this justify killing civilians? Although these acts by the Japanese are extremely savage; they were committed on military personnel in the context of war, not on unsuspecting civilians in the course of their everyday activities. Truman’s reason for the bombing was that he believed that the alternative to this was to wage war on the Japanese mainland, but this would mean the death of many U. S. troops and could end in failure. He claimed this was his way to end the war and spare the loss of U. S. military personnel. In doing so, he did achieve just that, but is this not the classic example of a Pyrrhic victory? Doug Longs article states how there were concrete proof that Japan was ready to surrender and Truman had knowledge of this, weeks before his decision. It was understood by both, the Allies and Japan, that surrender was the only way out for the Japanese. Japan was ready to surrender by mid July 1945, and had sought diplomatic help through the still-neutral Russians. In July1945, the U. S. ad intercepted and successfully decoded messages sent between Foreign Minister Togo and Japan’s Ambassador to Moscow, Sato. These messages clearly stated Japans, and specifically the Emperors great desire to end the war. As I stated earlier Truman was well aware of these transmissions, but insisted the bomb was necessary to terminate the war and save the lives of thousands of U. S. soldiers (Long). When in theory it was not. The US government refused to state in the Potsdam Declaration that upon the surrender of Japan the position of the emperor in Japan would remain. This statement along with the Soviet declaration of war on Japan should bring one to believe that this would have been enough to convince Japan to surrender. It is very conceivable that the US Government didn’t include the statement that the position of the emperor of Japan would be allowed to remain if Japan surrendered because the US government didn’t want to appear soft on Japan. If this was all that was needed, would it not have been worth exploring? Again, mass murder to save face in the eyes of the enemy is not a justifiable argument. Long states in his paper â€Å"Hiroshima Was it Necessary? † President Truman had advisors who influenced him to remove the statement against the advice of other advisors who had more knowledge of Japan and their culture, which held a great love and loyalty for their Emperor Hirohito. Was it the ignorance of certain U. S. officials about Japanese culture that led to this invaluable detail being left out of the Declaration? , or was it omitted purposely? , knowing the outcome, thereby creating an excuse to bomb them. , Drobny in his article quotes Herbert Hoover as stating to Truman, I am onvinced that if you, as President, will make a shortwave broadcast to the people of Japan tell them they can have their Emperor if they surrender, that it will not mean unconditional surrender except for the militarists youll get a peace in Japan youll have both wars over (Drobny). This was a full two months before the bomb was dropped, plenty of time to make a simple Broadcast, yet it wa s ignored. . The U. S. decision to drop leaflets from planes in the days before the attack warning the people of their impending doom is also very suspect. Why if the intended bombing of a heavily populated civilian area was planned why would anyone give such a warning? If the intentions were not to kill civilians, then was it even necessary to target these areas? Would detonation of the bomb on an unpopulated Island or at sea off the coast of Japan been enough to show the immense destructive power and in essence have the same effect without all the death? This creates speculation that the bomb was used to impress upon the USSR the capabilities of the U. S. military, this again could have been achieved at a different site without death involved. Another was Hiroshima and Nagasaki being 2 cities that were surprisingly not affected by the war as far as destruction would be a great place to study the effects of the bomb, if any of these were the underlying effects of the decision, there is no concrete proof, but it is quite proven that these were two effects that did take place intentional or not. The thought of using the deaths of civilians, to prove a point to the USSR or to Experiment on civilians is appalling. Jeff Kingston, A history teacher at Temple University in Japan, confirms that During the Yalta conference Stalin had promised the U.  S. to invade Japan â€Å"three months† after the defeat of Germany, and the agreement between the U. S. and the USSR was signed to that effect (Kingston). The Red Army declared the war against Japan exactly three months later; it entered Manchuria on August 8. The same day the Red Army invaded Korea from the north, while the US troops were invading it from the south. The USSR Red Army captured the entire Kwantung Army of the Japanese and began preparing itself for the amphibious landing to the islands of Japan. Indeed, Stalin was fulfilling his obligations to their U. S. ally. Long explains how Truman did not want the Red Army to land on the islands of Japan, even though this move could have saved many lives of the American soldiers ( long). Truman could not afford the thought of victorious Stalin exporting socialism to their Pacific neighbor. That fear probably was one of many motives behind the Truman’s decision to drop nuclear bombs on Japan. Should he not have considered this before making a deal with Stalin? Had he just ignored the fact that this would leave Japan vulnerable for the USSR to occupy? If so, those were not the acts of a responsible leader. An argument could be made that Stalin was hoping to advance the causes of socialism into Asia but there is no proof, only assumptions, now, and then, that he considered the territorial occupation of Asia to achieve that goal. In making Stalin an ally, Truman created a situation that he would not be able to control without the show of massive military force, essentially making the use of the bomb quite probable. There is undeniable proof that Japan wanted to give up, as President Truman had in his possession, and he should have explored every option to negotiate with Japan to surrender, and did not. In my opinion, the United States took a few steps back on the evolution ladder when they decided to kill innocent people. It is widely known the US State Department and President Truman wanted payback for the astonishing attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, but lowering the U. S. to their level was not the answer. While the Japanese may have been seeking peace deals through the USSR diplomats, it was ultimately pointless. The sheer size, scope and savagery of World War II seemed to leave only room for total victory. It is doubtful the Russians would have accepted a peace treaty instead of surrender regarding Germany any more than the United States would have accepted peace instead of surrender after Pearl Harbor and years of bitter fighting. World War II was in all aspects, a war aimed at nothing less than total victory. This country was not built on the concept of an eye for an eye so this is a weak argument not to accept or at least explore every option to achieve the most humane end to the war. It is widely believed in the U. S. that these decisions were decided to seize the opportunity of any chance at a quick victory. The population was tired of war, huge sacrifices were born by the allies, and a hope to defeat Japan without direct military invasion was believed to be a huge gamble. The main justification for using the Atomic bomb however it worked was that Japan surrendered. While the end did not justify the means, the goal was reached. In the months preceding the bombing, the Japanese were becoming weaker and weaker. They were surrounded by the Navy; many areas were destroyed by air raids, and they couldnt receive any imports and also could not export anything. Naturally, as time went on and the war developed in our favor and it was quite logical to that with the proper kind of a warning the Japanese would then be in a position to make peace, which would have made it unnecessary for us to drop the bomb, or to have had to bring Russia in to the war. Many it seemed wanted to issue a warning for various reasons moral and tactical. The tactical argument was the Allied Forces had already won, the Japanese would have surrendered, and the US would not have exposed its nuclear capabilities to the Soviets thus delaying the arms race. Many military minds were convinced the Japanese were already blockaded and knew they were dependent on the rail transportation and inter coastal shipping. Conventional bombing, submarines and mines would have eliminated any movement of supplies throughout the country. Even with these strangle holds in place, it is still very conceivable that Japan would still not have surrendered if it meant losing their Emperor, but we will never have the answer to this question, because it was not allowed to play out to see the outcome. As with any decisions made in the past, hindsight is 20/20, but these were very different times, and the threat of Communism was so great, even a U. S. president would make a decision this reckless to stop it from spreading. We will never know the outcomes of the many alternatives that were proposed after the fact, but we do know there were alternatives that could have been perused before these cities and their inhabitants were bombed. One would like to believe that it was not all in vain, and the world learned a valuable lesson from this destruction, as we have not had an event like this in the world since. This is only a summary of the events that took place, in an attempt at trying to understand why Truman did what he did, and if it was necessary. You will have to come to your own decision on the moral and ethical issues involved, but hopefully this sheds some light on the subject so your decision can be made in an informed manner.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Personal Previous Job Reflection Social Work Essay

Personal Previous Job Reflection Social Work Essay DISCUSSION: This question reveals a lot about you. You want to indicate that what you liked best about your last job are things that will appeal to the Hiring Manager. Show that your last job allowed you to demonstrate many of the desirable Behavioral Competencies that are discussed at the beginning of this Guide. Give specific examples of how your last job allowed you to flex your skills and show your maturity. Never make statements like I like that my last company gave me a lot of vacation days, or something similar. When answering about what you liked least, keep it short, do not be negative, and relate your answer to how your last job limited you in your ability to exhibit positive Behavioral Competencies. What I liked about my last job was the fact that there was good on the job training. I was able to really develop my X skills, which I know will help me succeed here if I am fortunate enough to be able to join your team. What are the qualities and skills of the people who have been most successful at this company? One thing I liked about my last job was that it allowed me to develop my leadership skills. FOR EXAMPLE, I was put in charge of a project where I had to earn the buy-in of people from multiple different departments including Marketing, IT, Product Development, and even HR. I held all the responsibility for getting this project completed on time, even though I had no real authority over my teammates since they did not report to me. I was able to create a project vision that the team agreed on, and then day-to-day I made sure that each team member completed their work on time. I did this in most cases by appealing to my teammates own self-interests. FOR EXAMPLE What I liked least about my last job was that the management style was pretty hands off, and this was fine for me because I am self-motivated and work hard to achieve. But the lack of structure sometimes allowed some of my teammates to slack off from time to time and I often ended up having to pick up the extra work. I would not mind that SOMETIMES, but it got old after a while. I had to constructively approach my manager and let her know what was going on WITHOUT creating any friction between me and the slacker teammates, who I actually liked as people. In the end, it worked out well, because I was pro-active. Have you ever run into that type of situation as a manager? What have you learned from your mistakes? DISCUSSION: Show that you are able to learn from your mistakes, but dont offer up any negative examples concerning your past performance. Show that you have been successful, but that you have the maturity it takes to examine your own behavior so that you can learn and grow and be a better employee. Be brief. Good question. Well, I have been successful at every job I have had, but I have had the normal ups and downs. Id say that I do actively try to monitor my work habits and the quality of my work so that I can constantly be improving myself. FOR EXAMPLE, I have had one or two hiccups with customers where their satisfaction was not where I thought it was. I learned that I have to really monitor certain difficult customers closely and take their temperature so I can keep their satisfaction level as high as possible. Have you had any customers like that here? Give me an example of a problem you faced on the job, and tell me how you solved it. DISCUSSION: This is a problem solving question that tests your critical thinking skills. This is a great question for showing that you are a creative and capable problem solver. The problem you select to use as an example should be as similar as possible to a problem that you are likely to face at the job you are interviewing for. I try to take a systematic approach to problem solving where I take the time to gather the relevant data, clearly define the problem or goal, then come up with possible solutions. I think it is important to get the information and clarify the problem first before you start coming up with possible solutions, or wasting other peoples time. FOR INSTANCE, when I was at Job X What kinds of challenges are you currently facing in your department? How tough a position does this put you in? What could the ideal candidate do to help solve this problem in his or her first three months on the job? Describe a situation when working with a team produced more successful results than if you had completed the project on your own. DISCUSSION: This is a behavioral interviewing style of question. The Hiring Manager wants to learn more about your thought process, and how well you can form examples to answer this teamwork related question. You will want to show your ability to solicit ideas from others, listen carefully, and persuade people to your point of view. Well, I have worked both independently and as a member of team, throughout my career. I enjoy both, and can do both equally well. I will have to say, though, that working with others has often yielded great results for projects I have worked on specifically when it comes to brainstorming. I try to get everyone involved in coming up with new solutions by making time for sessions where there are no wrong ideas or answers. The creativity of a group of people is always going to be greater than that of one person, and thus the results will be more successful. I did that a lot a Job Y. FOR EXAMPLE Working with others allows you data-mine other peoples skills and experiences, get perspectives and ideas that you would not have on your own, and check the quality of your own work before it goes out the door. FOR EXAMPLE, at Job X I worked with many great people. I was able to pick their brains so to speak about the effectiveness of various techniques, estimates on how long it would take to get various things done, etc. I would not have been able to do my job as effectively with out them. Will there be the opportunity to work in team situations at this job? Describe a time when you were faced with problems or stresses at work that tested your coping skills. What did you do? DISCUSSION: Workplace stress is an issue for everyone. Dont pretend that you never get stressed out. You want to show that you can deal with stress and cope with difficult situations. Show that you are calm under pressure, and know how to avoid stress in the first place through planning and time management. Well I think it is important to remember that stress effects everyone, and it is inevitable that sometimes people are going to have bad days. That is why I try to give people the benefit of the doubt when they seem to have a short fuse. What I do personally is try to control my response to a situation. You cant necessarily control what happens to you, but you can control your response. What I try to do is lengthen the time between the stressful situation and my response so that I can identify the cause of the stress and decide what I can do about it. FOR EXAMPLE, on several occasions I have had to deal with very irate customers who actually yelled at me. What I did was stay calm and not let them get under my skin. I really tried to listen and decide exactly what it was that was at the root of their problem. Then I provided solutions that could be completed within a specific time-frame. I always find that it is best to face those types of situations head-on and be objective about the m. I do my best to be professional and not get my emotions involved. Also, I try to avoid stress in the first place by tackling difficult tasks or conversations sooner rather than later. Does that make sense? What was your role in your departments most recent success? DISCUSSION: Youll want to be very specific here, and frame your answer in terms of how you saved time and money. The Hiring Manager is looking for a pattern of success, and you need to describe recent successes in detail. Use the S.T.A.R. Statement formula for your examples. Be prepared with at least three examples concerning your recent successes, and make sure at least one of them relates to teamwork and something you accomplished as part of a group. Make sure you address how your work made other people FEEL, as well as the time you saved and the revenue or cost-savings you generated. I guess that would be a recent project for client X. I handled all of the communication with the client for our last project. It was a three month long project where my team had to build a custom package based on the needs of client. I was instrumental in translating the clients business needs into detailed product features. I had to make sure that my team understood what the client wanted, and then check the quality to make sure that we were delivering a quality product with the features that the client was expecting. Well, it was an ongoing process that required a lot of communication and teamwork with my team as well as the client. I think my role really was to clarify the scope of the project, and then manage the clients expectations. We were able to deliver on time, and the client was thrilled! I was able to make sure no time was wasted on adding unnecessary features, and since we were working on a fixed bid price, we saved my company time and money. My manager and everybody on my team felt great because the project went so smoothly. Is that the kind of experience that would help me be successful here?

Friday, October 25, 2019

Little Charity in Eudora Weltys A Visit of Charity Essay -- Visit of

Little Charity in Eudora Welty's A Visit of Charity  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the short story of "A Visit of Charity" by Eudora Welty, a fourteen-year-old girl visits two women in a home for the elderly to bring them a plant and to earn points for Campfire Girls.   Welty implies through this story, however, that neither the society that supports the home nor the girl, Marian, knows the meaning of the word "charity."   The dictionary defines "charity" as "the love of man for his fellow men: an act of good will or affection."   But instead of love, good will, and affection, self-interest, callousness, and dehumanization prevail in this story.   Welty's depiction of the setting and her portrayal of Marian dramatize the theme that people's selfishness and insensitivity can blind them to the humanity and needs of others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Many features of the setting, a winter's day at a home for elderly women, suggests coldness, neglect, and dehumanization.   Instead of evergreens or other vegetation that might lend softness or beauty to the place, the city has landscaped it with "prickly dark shrubs."1   Behind the shrubs the whitewashed walls of the Old Ladies' Home reflect "the winter sunlight like a block of ice."2   Welty also implies that the cold appearance of the nurse is due to the coolness in the building as well as to the stark, impersonal, white uniform she is wearing.   In the inner parts of the building, the "loose, bulging linoleum on the floor"3 indicates that the place is cheaply built and poorly cared for.   The halls that "smell like the interior of a clock"4 suggest a used, unfeeling machine.   Perhaps the clearest evidence of dehumanization is the small, crowded rooms, each inhabited by two older women.   The room that Marian visits is dark,... ...otted plant qualify as an act of charity.   In fact, as an analysis of the setting reveals, the Home is inhumane in many ways.   Marian indicates in her thoughts, words, and deeds that she is opportunistic and indifferent to the needs and feelings of the aging women.   Welty further suggests in this story that pseudo-charity can destroy the very humanity it pretends to acknowledge and uphold.   People like Marian acting either out of duty or for personal advantages have created the Home and the conditions that have made the inhabitants cranky, clutching, and unlovable.   Marian left the women more lonely and distraught than she found them.   This kind of charity is uncharitable indeed. Work cited Welty, Eudora. â€Å"A Visit of Charity† Making Literature Matter: An Anthology for Readers and Writers. Ed. John Schilb and John Clifford. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2000.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Functional Areas

Functional Area Interrelationships: Kudler Fine Foods Charles Burt, Megan Engelking, Lou Gamache, Rebecca Lanham, and Julie Lee University of Phoenix BUS 475 July 24, 2011 Phyllis Koch Functional Area Interrelationships This paper is based on the Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) virtual organization scenario presented in University of Phoenix Business 475 course (Apollo Group, Inc. , 2009). The following topics will be covered about KFF; the main motivation for the KFF existence from analyzing the vision, mission, values, goals, and the basis for the type of managerial structure employed by KFF.We will identify the key positions that support that organizational structure; explaining all steps of the collaboration process among the serviceable sections that must be employed to accomplish organizational aspirations. An action arrangement is to execute the collaboration process, giving an example of the use of lateral and vertical collaboration within KFF will be given. Another topic will be ide ntifying the key stakeholders and their roles needed to achieve the executive goals, and recommend the collaborative interactions among the significant stakeholders to facilitate the organization's accomplishments.Reason for Existence Analyzing the strategic plan of KFF reveals the primary reasons for the organization’s existence, and that key components are established for the future success of the company. The mission statement is one of those key components. The mission statement states that the organization is committed to customer satisfaction by providing the finest of foods coupled with knowledgeable, experienced, and helpful staff (Kudler Fine Foods – Our Mission, 2003, Para. 3).The purpose for a mission plan is to provide guidance for the actions of an organization and to help direct decision-making. The mission plan will further identify organizational goals along with the responsibilities that exist to the customer and other stake-holders. KFF has establishe d a mission statement that identifies strong commitment to company goals and values. Another key component to strategic planning is the vision. A vision statement provides a final objective or goal for the organization.Furthermore, it identifies the future result when objectives found in the mission statement are met. Although little is mentioned in the virtual organization link for customers to see about a specific future vision for the company, one may gather the future expectations highlighted in the mission plan. Visionary thoughts include the expectation for KFF to be â€Å"the purveyor of choice for customers aspiring to purchase the finest epicurean delights† (Kudler Fine Foods – Mission Plan, 2003, Para. 3).However, strategic plan the vision Is stated for internal use that â€Å"Kudler Fine Foods will be the premiere gourmet grocery store for those savvy shoppers who are searching for the finest meats, produce, cheeses, and wine† (Kudler Fine Foods †“ Strategic Plan, 2003, p. 3). The values and goals of KFF contribute to the strategic plan of the organization and identify further reasons for the existence of the organization. The people at KFF understand the high standards that exist in providing quality food. Furthermore, they understand the responsibility to the community and their employees.By taking extra measures, KFF fulfills this responsibility with its Social Responsibility Statement. In an effort to contribute to the local economy, buyers will seek to purchase from local organic farmers when high standards are met. The bakery takes extra steps to ensure healthier baked goods through the use of unbleached flour and seeing that ingredients have no preservatives. Additionally, and certainly noteworthy, KFF rotates food from the shelves and donates food still in â€Å"good† condition to local homeless shelters and food kitchens (Kudler Fine Foods – Strategic Plan, 2003, p. ). These efforts demonstrate the c ommitment to values and the identified social responsibility. KFF reveals many reasons for the organization’s existence through its use of the company’s mission, vision, values, and goals. Organizational Structure A business’ organizational structure is critical to the business and the employees. An organizational structure is â€Å"the manner in which an organization arranges (or rearranges) itself† (Fontaine, 2007, p. 6). At Kudler Fine Foods (KFF) the organizational structure that they operate under is a functional structure.A functional organizational structure is a structure where the position and function of employees are clearly specified. The business is divided into separate departments with specific tasks (Pearce ; Robinson, 2009). KFF has a hierarchy of authority, which defines who is in charge of which fundamentals and who reports to whom. The decision making, ideas, and plans come from the top hierarchy, in this case Kathy Kudler, the preside nt of KFF. KFF has a vertical dimension with several levels of management. Kudler Fine Foods has a total of three stores that make up the framework of the organizational structure.For instance, the president is at top working with the three store managers. Each store has the same structure hierarchy beginning with the store manager. Under the store manager is the assistant store manager and continues to branch out to the four different department managers – produce and foodstuffs; spirits, cheeses, and wine; meats, and seafood; bakery, and pastries. The key positions that hold the structure together is the administration staff consisting of the president, director of administration and human resources, finance, and accounting, and store operations.Many levels of management exist in the structure. Every employee has a defined role, all of which with the common goal of meeting the needs of the consumer. Kudler Fine Foods operates in a centralized manner allowing KFF to have mor e upper management control. With a functional structure every employee’s role is important to the vision and goal of the business. Collaboration Process â€Å"Today's enterprises are striving to create more specialized features through globalization and  collaboration† (Park, 2003, p. 5). Several steps are in the collaboration process.The first step is for all the people in the process to come to an agreement on the collaboration process. The second step is for all the people involved in the process to understand the need of reaching the same goal. The third step in the process is for all people involved to work together and share the responsibilities in making the decisions. The fourth step is to make sure all people have resources, which they intend to share with the others involved. The fifth process is making sure everyone knows that with the shared responsibility, during the collaboration, each person is also responsible for the outcome.The final step in the col laboration process is establishing trust among everyone involved. Trust is a huge factor into how well a team performs. After working out all the details to the steps in the collaboration process, the members must make sure the schedule and guidelines are discussed and followed. Developing guidelines is a way to make sure all people involved are held accountable for the inactions or actions within the group. Kudler Fine Foods has started the collaboration process and the first KFF needs to do is have the purchasing and inventory manager’s start the process.The largest success of Kudler Fine Foods is the customers continuing to shop at the stores. To keep the customers coming back to Kudler Fine Foods, the collaboration team needs to consider the needs and wants of the customers. The inventory manager will assist by advising the team what products are selling and what products are not. The product manager may determine a better position in the store to make sure the non-sellin g items sell or the two individuals may cut back on that particular product to lessen the overhead.Kudler Fine Foods will need to implement an action plan to keep customers coming back, but also to introduce new products to the customers. Kudler Fine Foods has initiated a frequent shopper program, which enables customers to earn rewards with purchases. Rewards are coupons or a certain dollar amount off the entire shopping order once a certain level of purchases is met. KFF must also increase the marketing of the company and the rewards program to make sure the customers aware of the program.The marketing manager can collaborate with the inventory and purchasing managers to discuss how to best implement a successful marketing plan. Setting these processes in motion will give KFF an advantage above the competition Lateral and Vertical Collaboration Lateral collaboration occurs between the equivalent level of employees within the organization, and vertical collaboration would be betwee n employees with a superior and subordinate relationship. An example of vertical collaboration occurred when Kathy Kudler coordinates the selection of sale merchandise with the store managers during the weekly operations meetings.Kathy has oversight of the entire organization and directs the merchandise and sale processes with her subordinate store managers. Good lateral collaboration is illustrated by cooperation between store managers in facilitating resupply of advertised merchandise between stores, to the stores with a higher demand. Kudler Fine Foods has no consistent purchasing procedure. The three department managers at each store independently place orders with suppliers based on the department manager’s subjective assessment of store requirements.Further, the onus is on the department manager â€Å"to obtain the best pricing, quality, and delivery possible† (Apollo Group, 2009, Supply Chain Overview, para. 1). This purchasing structure lacks both vertical and lateral collaboration and relies on the individual department managers to take additional steps to coordinate purchasing with other department managers. No mechanism for department managers to compare or discuss store needs among counterparts and no consistent pricing structure between store locations. A vertical disconnect is evident in that Kathy Kudler also places orders independent from the store managers.An action plan to improve both vertical and lateral collaboration within Kudler Fine Foods involves improvements to the purchasing process. Department managers would be required to have a department manager weekly review meeting where store merchandise needs, trends, and purchase requirements would be compared, discussed, and coordinated laterally into a purchase order plan. This purchase plan would be submitted vertically to a central purchasing agent at the administrative level who would facilitate the negotiation and purchase from suppliers to ensure the best pricing and qua lity.Key Stakeholders Kathy Kudler is the founder of KFF. She is the primary stakeholder, and because the company is a privately owned entity there are no shareholders in the company. The company does have investors who have a stake in the company. The investors or stakeholders are both internal and external and are monitored by the company. The stakeholders include the employees, consumers, suppliers, banks, and Kathy Kudler, and each can have an affect or be affected by the company. When Kathy first decided to create Kudler fine foods, she obtained financing.This is done generally through banks. Banking institutions will extend credit terms to consumers such as Kathy. Kathy can also go to these banks when she is obtaining funding for new stores or launching new products. Banking institutions can also help with extending the line of credit when peek seasons are low and profits might not be as large. The main point of financing comes from banking institutions. The staff of KFF is cr itical to the daily operations of the company. These employees have direct contact with consumers and serve as a primary point of contact for Kathy and consumers.Employees contribute to labor and the expertise to the company. In daily activities these employees are responsible for the growth of the stores, the appearance stores, maintenance in the stores, training new staff, and picking up the slack when other employees are not available. Because Kathy is not available daily to complete these activities it is important for the staff to complete these activities and ensure the success of the company. Consumers are a large part of the company, it is important for the consumers needs to be met, and this is done typically through purchasing goods.Customers rely on employees and Kathy to provide the goods that they are willing to purchase. Customers’ requests need to be met and Kudler has to decide whether the requests of the customer can be met or are feasible for the company to provide. If the products are not available to the consumer the company needs to look into alternate options to solve the problem and to keep the customer. Suppliers can also play an important role in the company. These suppliers are the backbone of the company and provide all the products necessary for the company to be successful.KFF have suppliers for wine, cheese, fresh produce, organic meats, and all bakery items. These come from both local and national suppliers. The local products ensure the highest quality of products and these suppliers need to remain on good financial terms to continue to build a business relationship. Conclusion Kathy Kudler has achieved success by hiring managers who take social responsibility seriously because he or she already has firm intuitions about what constitutes ethical and unethical conduct (Heath, 2006).The success of the company has many factors that contribute. The way that the stakeholders of the company relate and work together are importan t factors in any companies’ success. KFF has achieved the success the company has because of their ability to interact positively with all the stakeholders in the company. The existence of the company is to serve the customers of the community with the highest quality of gourmet foods. Kathy Kudler’s mission, vision, and values have made the company a success and a reality. References Apollo Group, Inc. 2009) Kudler Fine Foods; 2003 Strategic Plan. Retrieved July 24, 2011 from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cist/vop/Business/Kudler2/intranet/ad/strategicPlan. htm Apollo Group, Inc. (2009) Kudler Fine Foods; Supply Chain Overview. Retrieved July 24, 2011 from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cist/vop/Business/Kudler2/intranet/op/supplyChainOverview. htm Fontaine, C. W. (2007). Organizational Structure: A Critical Factor for Organizational Effectiveness and Employee Satisfaction. Retrieved from professorfontaine. om/files/Organizational_Structure_Whit e_Paper_v7b. pdf Kudler Fine Foods, About Kudler Fine Foods – Our Mission, 2010, Retrieved from: https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cist/vop/Business/Kudler2/internet/about. htm Kudler Fine Foods, Strategic Plan, 2003, Retrieved from: https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/cist/vop/Business/Kudler2/intranet/ad/StrategicPlan2003. pdf Pearce, J. A. II, & Robinson, R. B. (2009). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, and control (11th ed. ). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Problems faced by women Essay

            Human Resources in the Recession: Managing and Representing People at Work in Ireland; William K Roche, Paul Teague, Anne Coughlan, Majella Fahy. The effects of the Irish recession on the manner in which people are managed at work and on how they are represented by trade unions is the subject of this study. This study examines how human resource managers and unions (where they are found) have faced the challenges. First of all, the impact of the international financial and economic crisis on the Irish labor market is assessed. Then, the Irish economic crisis is placed in a comparative European context to get a sense of the extent to which the public policy response in Ireland has been similar to those pursued by other EU member states. After this assessment a detailed literature review is conducted on reviews and debates concerning the impact of recessions, past and present, on the conduct of human resources in organizations. This is followed by a detailed examina tion of the type of policies and practices that are available to HR when making adjustments to difficult business conditions. The research has used a survey conducted of managers with responsibility for human resources to assess their responses to the recession. The survey firstly sought to examine the impact of the recession on firms in terms of revenue and employment change, in order to establish the commercial context for any recessionary measures adopted. The subjects of examination are then the types and incidence of measures taken by firms, ranging from pay and headcount adjustments, changes in HR systems and functions, to changes in working time arrangements. The responses of the firms reflect the severe effects and challenges experienced by the survey respondents. This is followed by an investigation into the role of the HR function in the recession. The section explores whether the operation of HR has changed as a result of the recession, the function’s level of infl uence in terms of HR strategy formulation and implementation, the business role of HR, the level of engagement with employees, types of policies and practices that have received greater or lesser attention and relationships with trade unions. Finally, the HR practices that survey respondents considered to be most effective in helping them manage the recession are investigated. Examination of the effects of the recession, as experienced by thirty HR  managers, representing a wide range of businesses, who participated in the different focus groups is entailed. It reviews, in detail, the effects on HR of acute cost, headcount and productivity pressures and the range of retrenchment measures that they were required to put in place. The research then examines HR managers’ understanding of what constitutes ‘good human resource practice’ in recent and current recessionary conditions. The main HR practices that were identified in the literature include – wage ad justment; employment adjustment; re-organization of working time; workforce stabilization; employability; voice and engagement; and process or product innovation. By and large, while most of the measures adopted were aimed at reducing pay costs in one way or another, Irish firms have been quite diverse with respect to the range of measures that have been implemented to steer their way through the recession. The survey results also show that HR mangers have been steadfast with regard to implementing the ‘softer’ side of HR practices.             Impact of the Recession on the Labor Market in the South East; Annette Cox, Terence Hogarth, Thomas Usher, David Owen, Freddie Sumption, Joy Oakley. This study focused on analyzing the impact of economic downturn on skills needs and training practices within different sectors in the South East, focusing on a mixture of sectors which were seriously affected by recession and those which might lead the recovery. The research consisted of two phases: the first involving quantitative analysis and literature review, and the second involving qualitative analysis of interviews conducted with stakeholders and employers. The research concluded that the Impact of Recession on Employers’ Current and Future Skills Needs and Training Practices is conditional. Small organizations are reported to be more likely to reduce training investment than large firms and commitment to training varies by sector, There is an increased demand for ‘short and sharp’ courses, Training opportunities are being targeted at senior staff and trainees, Employers are receiving high numbers of applications and using tighter screening criteria and Multi-skilling needs are developing as a result of expansion or contraction of business.             The impact of the economic recession on hR; Talent 2 and Ipsos MORI This study is based on a survey. Senior HR professionals were asked about how the global recession is affecting their organizations and their people management strategies and practices. 200 senior HR Directors and VPs were invited to participate in the survey, and 73 completed it. The findings of the survey were that HR is greatly affected by recession in the economy. Three in five respondents felt that the current capital markets had a direct impact on their organization, with three- quarters also feeling they have a direct impact on HR. Similarly, the vast majority of organizations (95%) were either freezing, or decreasing, their annual HR budget, in areas such as training and development, external training, the use of external consultants, recruitment and HR systems. Evidence suggests this is likely to be the case regardless of what the predicted financial performance is for their organization. The top three priorities selected were Performance management; Leadership and management development; and Employee communication and engagement.             The Impact of the Recession on Employment-Based Health Coverage ; Paul Fronstin This article focuses on the impact of the recession on employment-based health coverage. This Issue Brief examines changes in health coverage among workers during the recession that started in December 2007, including monthly changes for 2007 and May 2008−July 2009. The emphasis is on changes that occurred between September 2007 and April 2009. While health coverage through the work place is by far the most common source of health insurance among the population under age 65, the recession that started in December 2007 is associated with a change in employment- based coverage and the uninsured. Workers least likely to have employment-based coverage at the beginning of the recession were more likely than other workers to experience a decline in the percentage with such coverage one year later. Younger workers were more likely to lose coverage than older workers. Hispanic workers we re more likely to lose coverage than whites or blacks. Part-time workers were more likely than full-time workers to have lost employment-based coverage. The percentage of workers with own name employment-based coverage declined the most for those employed with  for-profit private- sector employers and those employed by the federal government. The largest declines in the percentage of workers with employment-based coverage in their own name by firm size occurred in the smallest firms, those least likely to offer coverage. Workers who were members of a union were less likely to have experienced a loss of employment- based coverage than were nonunion workers. Workers with the lowest earnings were the least likely to have employment-based coverage in their own name and experienced the largest decline in coverage.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Emotion That Makes The World Go ‘Round

. Why do people spend their entire lives searching for love? What is so special about it that makes people do such foolish things? Love is the most indescribable emotion in the world. I am still yet to experience the actual feeling of love, but my perspective on the feeling is that love is something that is unspoken, and known. If you are truly in love with a person, their feelings come before yours, and you would give up absolutely anything so that that person never had to experience one ounce of pain. Everyone has a soul mate, that one person that they are destined to find, and are completely compatible with. Compatible not meaning that the two people are the same, because it is peoples differences that tend to make a relationship stronger. Love is a common experience amongst colleg... Free Essays on The Emotion That Makes The World Go ‘Round Free Essays on The Emotion That Makes The World Go ‘Round The Emotion that Makes the World Go ‘Round People spend their entire life searching for love, while most have no have no clue what love actually is. I have spent 18 years searching for love, and trying to figure out what love is. I have come up with two definite things in my search for love; one is that love does exist and two is that I have never been in it. I’m not talking about the love that a person has for their parents, but the love that you share with another human being, because you have made that connection on all levels, and cant picture your life without them A survey of Endicott College students have produced such answers as love is the complete infatuation and devotion to the happiness of another person and love is safe, love is something you believe in with all your heart- until it almost kills you, its not worrying about the future because you know that at least one thing in your life will be definite, and that that person will be there by your side. Love is one of the most intense of all human experie nces, and it can be found everywhere. What is love? Love is one of those emotions that is almost impossible to put into words. Why do people spend their entire lives searching for love? What is so special about it that makes people do such foolish things? Love is the most indescribable emotion in the world. I am still yet to experience the actual feeling of love, but my perspective on the feeling is that love is something that is unspoken, and known. If you are truly in love with a person, their feelings come before yours, and you would give up absolutely anything so that that person never had to experience one ounce of pain. Everyone has a soul mate, that one person that they are destined to find, and are completely compatible with. Compatible not meaning that the two people are the same, because it is peoples differences that tend to make a relationship stronger. Love is a common experience amongst colleg...

Monday, October 21, 2019

week 8 paper a

week 8 paper a week 8 paper a Abstract Science and Medical treatment have always been linked with each other. The evolution of health care in the United States has advanced over the year with research or technological (Shi & Singh, 2015). My paper is going to focus on birth control and how it has affected health care in the U. S. to date. Health care is amazing. Science continues to improve so our health care can advance in different stages. The scientific method along with trial and error demonstrates the advancements that have come into medical care today. My goal is to show you how the Birth Control pill is one of the biggest influences in Medical Care and the insurance industry today. The Significant Event Birth control or contraception, endearingly dubbed â€Å"the pill† by the American public made medical and scientific history in 1960. Since its inception the pill has been surrounded by controversy running the gamut from health concerns and moral choice to religious opposition and political-legal issues (Kruvard, 2012). This scientific marvel was introduced to America well before the feminist movement and women’s rights agendas entered the sociopolitical consciousness. Control of pregnancy was an unthinkable concept for many women at the dawn of this technology. No one could have predicted the profound affect this little pill would have on the evolution of health care in American society. Margaret Sanger a nurse and family planning pioneer is credited with development of a magic pill to control fertility. She blamed her mother’s death at age 50 on the 18 pregnancies she endured in life. After receiving funding from women’s rights advocate Katherine McCormick they convinced research scientist Gregory Pincus to explore the possibilities of such a medication. Mr. Pincus developed the first contraceptive, Enovid, from Mexican yams that proved successful in blocking ovulation. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the pill in 1960 (Kruvard, 2012). In 1960 the average American woman married at age 20 and had three to four children. Many women secretly wanted to control the spacing between pregnancies or have fewer children. When used correctly the pill was a 99% effective defense against pregnancy, providing a significant improvement over commonly used reversible forms of birth control such as diaphragms, intrauterine devices (IUD’s), condoms, and the rhythm method. Thus, for the first time in history women found themselves in complete control of reproduction. Access to the technology, however, was no easy feat. Married women faced many barriers to access and unmarried women found it nearly impossible to obtain. Unfortunately, within a year of its approval health concerns were reported, including dizziness, headaches, nausea, and life-threatening blood clots (Kruvard, 2012). The pill changed the entire landscape of women’s health care in the United States (U. S.). Effective contraceptive medicine has been demonize d, vilified, and exalted over the five decades it has been in existence. However, one indisputable fact remains crystal clear; control of contraception has had a major impact on changes in American health care and societal attitudes toward womens’ rights to that control. Historical Evolution of Health Care The impact of contraception on the evolution of American health care is unmistakable. By the 1980s birth control was identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as an â€Å"essential medicine,† one that met â€Å"the priority health care needs of the population.† Birth control was deemed a basic health need for women in their reproductive years. In 1955 more than 50% of American women who used birth control relied upon condoms (27%) and diaphragms (25%). A decade later, only five years after the pill was approved the numbers changed drastically, with 27% of American women using the pill, 18% using condoms, and 10% relying on diaphragms. Use of the pill continued to rise so that 36% of American women were using it by 1973

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Challenges of Being an Advocate and Neutral Facilitator Essay Example for Free

Challenges of Being an Advocate and Neutral Facilitator Essay Dual Relationship Challenges A mediator is an impartial third party who meets with two or more people to encourage and facilitate communication in order to reach an agreement or conclusion over a conflict that exists between the two parties. The mediator is not the decision maker. The two parties and not the mediator will make the final decision. It is the legal and ethical job of the mediator to keep all communication confidential unless otherwise specified (The Association of Attorney-Mediators, 2001). The mediator should never choice anyone side or force one party to agree with the other. Because mediators are neutral, their personal beliefs and values can be a challenge. There are legal, moral, and ethical issues that mediators have to tackle when they deal with the parties conflicts. The mediator has to assure that each party is comfortable and know that their issues and thoughts are heard. It is important the mediator remain bias. Personal Perception Mediators and advocates are the vital to the human services field. Their clients depend on the mediator to inform them of their rights. They do not know the laws and the procedures that protect them. That is why mediators and advocates there to assist them. Personal Philosophy and Approach The services that are provided at the Planned Parenthood Agencies, I feel are important. Most soon to be, parents are teen who have no idea on how to tell their parents or guardians that they are expecting. The mediator at Planned Parenthood (the counselor) will be the one that will assist them on informing their parents or guardians and be the neutral party that will help them to determine the next step. Whether it be abortion, adoption or to keep the baby. The mediator is has no personal interest in the family but they do have to accept the decision of the family no matter what their personal beliefs are. Planned Parenthood is trusted health care providers, informed educators, passionate advocates, and a global partner helping similar organizations around the world. Planned Parenthood delivers vital sex education and information to millions of women, men, and young people worldwide (Parenthood) . They are mediators must remain neutral if they really want to help the families through their difficult ordeal because it takes a person who can help the two parties come to a civilized decision about their issues. Conclusion It is important that human service professionals who are mediators and advocates remain neutral when assisting parties with their issues. Challenges of Being an Advocate and Neutral Facilitator. (2018, Oct 14).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Constitutionalizing Libel Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Constitutionalizing Libel Law - Assignment Example A statement no matter how hurtful if it turns out true, it cannot be sued. The first legal rule from the New York Times Co .v. Sullivan was the â€Å"first amendment to the united state constitution† which prohibits infringing the freedom of the press, and restricts the right to prohibit the petitioning for a governments redress of grievances. This adopted on December 1791. (Cornell University, N.P). Secondly was the â€Å"fourteenth amendment to the constitution of United States† which limits the actions of all state and local officials. It prohibits local government officials from relieving persons of life or belongings without the authorization of legislature (Nelson, 49).The common law defense applicable here is necessity. The newspaper author can say they did it to prevent further damage from occurring or to reduce/ stop the current damage. The mayor asks for the notes so that the jury can access the files point by point. This was crucial as it can provide some useful false information by the newspaper. The judge can agree with this as well as his request that the newspaper answer a series of questions. This would help unfold new facts and convince the mayor when a final verdict gets reached. The same rule that governs the mayor’s lawsuit does not wholly apply to President Ed Brown because his case has not been seriously mentioned or proven as the newspaper on ly said,† he has to know what is going on† . This is quite different because the mayors case was

Fundamental Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fundamental Rights - Essay Example The flow of information is realized through communication by means of speech between individuals, and various modes of expression. Communication in any given system is vital because it facilitates the conveyance of information that enables people carry out their daily activities efficiently and effectively. Freedoms of speech and expression are crucial elements that guarantee that a society flourishes in spheres of life existence for a nation’s population. The right to freedom of belief or religion is a fundamental principle, which allows people to hold beliefs, and carry out religious practices and rites that accompany their beliefs. It also allows individuals to choose what to believe in and determine their religious orientation. This is a vital component of individual liberties, which that function to auger people into strong religious backgrounds. Strong religious backgrounds facilitate the creation of sound morals that enable members of a society to live harmoniously and uphold other people’s rights and freedoms (Raskin & Spero 190). Religion fosters morals that are attributed to the recognition of individual rights and freedoms, and the creation of laws to protect them. Restriction of the right to freedom of religion and worship, for example, countries that have state religions; people of other religious orientations have their freedoms limited or restricted. This contributes to fostering of animosity between different religious groups because some feel that their religion is more deserving than the other groups. Freedom of religion and worship promotes development of good morals, which act as guiding principles in people’s lives. Good morals can... Communication in any given system is vital because it facilitates the conveyance of information that enables people carry out their daily activities efficiently and effectively. Freedoms of speech and expression are crucial elements that guarantee that a society flourishes in spheres of life existence for a nation’s population. The right to freedom of belief or religion is a fundamental principle, which allows people to hold beliefs, and carry out religious practices and rites that accompany their beliefs. It also allows individuals to choose what to believe in and determine their religious orientation. This is a vital component of individual liberties, which that function to auger people into strong religious backgrounds. Strong religious backgrounds facilitate the creation of sound morals that enable members of a society to live harmoniously and uphold other people’s rights and freedoms (Raskin & Spero 190). Religion fosters morals that are attributed to the recognition of individual rights and freedoms, and the creation of laws to protect them. Restriction of the right to freedom of religion and worship, for example, countries that have state religions; people of other religious orientations have their freedoms limited or restricted. This contributes to fostering of animosity between different rel igious groups because some feel that their religion is more deserving than the other groups. Freedom of religion and worship promotes development of good morals, which act as guiding principles in people’s lives. Good morals can replace laws in society because they foster harmony and respect for individual rights and freedoms. All religions of the world serve along similar dictates of preaching harmony among people and peace for all individuals.

Gay Adoption Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Gay Adoption - Research Paper Example Now gay marriage seems to be becoming more acceptable according to a poll done by The Associated Press and the National Constitution Center. â€Å"Fifty-three percent of the 1,000 adults surveyed believe the government should give legal recognition to marriages between couples of the same sex . . . Forty-four percent were opposed† (CBS News). Gay adoption actually is legal in most states, but that does not stop some states and some adoption agencies making it difficult for same-sex couples to adopt. This is despite the large number—over half a million—children languishing in foster care ready and wanting to be adopted. Those in favor of allowing same-sex couples to adopt cite the high numbers of children in foster care needing forever homes. They also claim that it is discrimination not to allow gay couples who have been deemed suitable parents, and who can provide a loving and stable home, to adopt. The courts agreed with them and laws have recently been establi shed that prohibit discrimination against people based on sexual orientation. Because of these anti-discrimination laws, many states no longer allow adoption agencies to discriminate against a gay couple seeking to adopt a child based on the couple’s sexual orientation, but that argument has taken a 360 degree turn. Adoption agencies that oppose gay adoptions say that they are being discriminated against because of their religious beliefs. Some states refuse to recognize same-sex couples’ adoptions in other states. In the end, what has really occurred is a stubborn right-wing anti-gay faction in this country rejects any belief but their own and will not recognize the rights of same-sex couples to adopt children. They refuse to budge and use every tactic they can to promote their agenda even if it means harming children. Several religious adoption agencies have claimed that since they believe homosexuality is against the teaching of the bible, they should not be require d to place children in the homes of gay couples who wish to adopt them. Todd Flowerday says, â€Å"Historically the Catholic Church has invested a great deal of its charitable efforts in the care of orphaned children, but recently adoption has become a battleground for concerns about religious freedom.  The church is reluctant to place children with parents it deems inadequate—most prominently gay and lesbian couples—and these policies often run afoul of state antidiscrimination laws.  Rather than compromise, some Catholic agencies get out of the adoption business altogether† (Flowerday). That, however, has not affected the number of children being adopted. Many other adoption agencies, perfectly willing to follow the law and to continue to match children needing homes with parents who want them, have stepped in. But, another problem has arisen because of this issue. After a Catholic diocese in Rockford, Illinois dropped its state contract with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Service, three other dioceses sued to be exempt from the law that prohibits Catholic, or any other, adoption service from discriminating against gay and lesbian couples. In fact, these adoption agencies must assist these couples in their search for a child. With the injunction in place for who knows how long, the adoption agencies in those three dioceses can continue to deny same-sex couples their rights to adopt a child. What really bothers some people is that instead of thinking of the children as one would expect the Catholic Chur

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Asses the use of coconut only in brazil and how to make more Research Proposal

Asses the use of coconut only in brazil and how to make more sustainable the production of bio diesel - Research Proposal Example It is a delicate balancing act the environmentalists have been grappling with for decades, and now the world gradually seems to be heeding that call. One available option is to look for raw and renewable resources that we have at our disposal to provide much of the world with cheaper and more environmentally friendly biodiesel. This report has generated the knowledge that coconut oil is showing great promise in this area, and Brazil is a country that is potentially able to provide much of its own biodiesel in the form of its own naturally available coconut trees scattered throughout the region. The aim of the study has been to determine the feasibility of implementing a massive effort in Brazil to use coconut oil in the production of biodiesel fuel in the near future. Part of building a sustainable future for all inhabitants of the earth involves making use of the raw materials that we have today. For ages, the world’s population has been known to discard raw materials that they seemingly have no use for, yet new findings are suggesting that many such materials may unlock the mystery of how to lessen our dependence on non-renewable resources (Kumar 557). For some time now, bio diesel has been seen as one such way to provide a much needed source of energy and power to the world, yet it has required too many of the earth’s resources that we are simply unable to replenish. This is beginning to change, however, with the discovery that some of the raw materials we have in abundance, and can replenish, are able to produce bio diesel fuel in record amounts. One such possibility involves taking coconut oil and turning it into a biodiesel that can be early produced and utilized on a massive scale (Kumar 558). Brazil is one of the worldâ€⠄¢s largest sources of coconuts, so it makes sense to focus a project around Brazilian coconut oil and its potential to

Why must religion be based on faith rather than on knowledge Research Paper - 1

Why must religion be based on faith rather than on knowledge - Research Paper Example Are these thoughts about God born out of knowledge or out of strong faith? Philosophers contended that the infinity of God cannot be comprehended by the limited capacity of human beings to understand His greatness. Ancient and medieval philosophers have in fact attempted to empirically grasp God’s existence, albeit done purely through intellectual pursuits. Various theological positions were made and written. Augustine of Hippo, who hailed from North Africa and have converted from Manichaenism to Christianity, posited that thought credo ut intelligengiam or ‘I believe so that I may understand.† Such assert that human reason is essential only for those who possess faith and thus, human being’s rational capacity to reason is effective in obtaining general knowledge about the world and of God. He viewed that part of the innate nature of human being is to commit evil acts. This, for him, is integrated in the Divine plan which allowed persons to choose to do good or evil. The unbearable consequences of bad acts always made human beings choose do what is good. Advocate of naturalism perceived that God is everywhere. He is with nature and in the plurality of realities. They argued that God unify everything and can be known through the layers of emanation which flows with the Divine essence. Plato’s philosophy of idealism, on the other hand, made such epistemic principle that God is intangible, an impersonal entity encompassing the causes of all ideas. Plato professed that God is an abstract, timeless and unchanging reality. God is an absolute being and an eternal being (Plato, 2003). He professed that the perception of God separated the physical world from the intelligible realm (Plato, 2003). Thomas Aquinas (1993), also a medieval thinker, argued that theology is not an object of science and is only philosophically pursued by understanding the metaphysics of God’s existence. He however considered the divine thoughts are scribed in a sacred

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Gay Adoption Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Gay Adoption - Research Paper Example Now gay marriage seems to be becoming more acceptable according to a poll done by The Associated Press and the National Constitution Center. â€Å"Fifty-three percent of the 1,000 adults surveyed believe the government should give legal recognition to marriages between couples of the same sex . . . Forty-four percent were opposed† (CBS News). Gay adoption actually is legal in most states, but that does not stop some states and some adoption agencies making it difficult for same-sex couples to adopt. This is despite the large number—over half a million—children languishing in foster care ready and wanting to be adopted. Those in favor of allowing same-sex couples to adopt cite the high numbers of children in foster care needing forever homes. They also claim that it is discrimination not to allow gay couples who have been deemed suitable parents, and who can provide a loving and stable home, to adopt. The courts agreed with them and laws have recently been establi shed that prohibit discrimination against people based on sexual orientation. Because of these anti-discrimination laws, many states no longer allow adoption agencies to discriminate against a gay couple seeking to adopt a child based on the couple’s sexual orientation, but that argument has taken a 360 degree turn. Adoption agencies that oppose gay adoptions say that they are being discriminated against because of their religious beliefs. Some states refuse to recognize same-sex couples’ adoptions in other states. In the end, what has really occurred is a stubborn right-wing anti-gay faction in this country rejects any belief but their own and will not recognize the rights of same-sex couples to adopt children. They refuse to budge and use every tactic they can to promote their agenda even if it means harming children. Several religious adoption agencies have claimed that since they believe homosexuality is against the teaching of the bible, they should not be require d to place children in the homes of gay couples who wish to adopt them. Todd Flowerday says, â€Å"Historically the Catholic Church has invested a great deal of its charitable efforts in the care of orphaned children, but recently adoption has become a battleground for concerns about religious freedom.  The church is reluctant to place children with parents it deems inadequate—most prominently gay and lesbian couples—and these policies often run afoul of state antidiscrimination laws.  Rather than compromise, some Catholic agencies get out of the adoption business altogether† (Flowerday). That, however, has not affected the number of children being adopted. Many other adoption agencies, perfectly willing to follow the law and to continue to match children needing homes with parents who want them, have stepped in. But, another problem has arisen because of this issue. After a Catholic diocese in Rockford, Illinois dropped its state contract with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Service, three other dioceses sued to be exempt from the law that prohibits Catholic, or any other, adoption service from discriminating against gay and lesbian couples. In fact, these adoption agencies must assist these couples in their search for a child. With the injunction in place for who knows how long, the adoption agencies in those three dioceses can continue to deny same-sex couples their rights to adopt a child. What really bothers some people is that instead of thinking of the children as one would expect the Catholic Chur

Why must religion be based on faith rather than on knowledge Research Paper - 1

Why must religion be based on faith rather than on knowledge - Research Paper Example Are these thoughts about God born out of knowledge or out of strong faith? Philosophers contended that the infinity of God cannot be comprehended by the limited capacity of human beings to understand His greatness. Ancient and medieval philosophers have in fact attempted to empirically grasp God’s existence, albeit done purely through intellectual pursuits. Various theological positions were made and written. Augustine of Hippo, who hailed from North Africa and have converted from Manichaenism to Christianity, posited that thought credo ut intelligengiam or ‘I believe so that I may understand.† Such assert that human reason is essential only for those who possess faith and thus, human being’s rational capacity to reason is effective in obtaining general knowledge about the world and of God. He viewed that part of the innate nature of human being is to commit evil acts. This, for him, is integrated in the Divine plan which allowed persons to choose to do good or evil. The unbearable consequences of bad acts always made human beings choose do what is good. Advocate of naturalism perceived that God is everywhere. He is with nature and in the plurality of realities. They argued that God unify everything and can be known through the layers of emanation which flows with the Divine essence. Plato’s philosophy of idealism, on the other hand, made such epistemic principle that God is intangible, an impersonal entity encompassing the causes of all ideas. Plato professed that God is an abstract, timeless and unchanging reality. God is an absolute being and an eternal being (Plato, 2003). He professed that the perception of God separated the physical world from the intelligible realm (Plato, 2003). Thomas Aquinas (1993), also a medieval thinker, argued that theology is not an object of science and is only philosophically pursued by understanding the metaphysics of God’s existence. He however considered the divine thoughts are scribed in a sacred

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

High School Education Essay Example for Free

High School Education Essay Education is perhaps the most important endeavor a person can attempt in their life. Studies show those who have a post high school degree of some kind will earn considerably more during their working years than those who don’t. Therefore the many young adults who don’t have a high school degree will be crippled in becoming successful in our workforce. In today’s society this has become a major problem in creating a better country as a whole. The ‘hard times’ that many people may have could be prevented by more preparation and education for the future simply because more education leads to greater success. Our schooling system needs to be confronted in providing a better education so that our children will bloom and create a better, more intelligent nation than today. Dropping out of high school puts people in a extenuating circumstance for the rest of their life. Without a high school education it basically cripples you in achieving success for yourself in the future. This widespread of dropouts and failures not only effects themselves but also the world around them by decreasing economic growth. â€Å"Conclusions shows that economic growth is directly related to education in each country. Investing in education rapidly grows economies and raises the average level of employment. † (Breton) Though many classes may seem inapplicable to the work force or a future career, there are skills developed such as group work, critical thinking, and exposure to disciplines that one would not otherwise study offers the potential for personal growth not found in everyday life and experience. This personal growth that is developed only through school proves that everyone must have a high school education. To create a better workforce and way of life I propose to enact federal policies and requirements for our schooling system. These policies would include more financial aid, and imply less inflexibility for high school students. â€Å"The federal role in education is limited. Because of the Tenth amendment, most education policy is decided at the state and local levels. † (Policy Overview) Changing from state to federal would be the first part of my solution. With the change in rule there would also be the policies enacted to ensure a better education. More financial aid would go to the school and students to provide a better education. From this financial you can expect higher teacher salaries, more teaching jobs, and a better learning environment. Implying less inflexibility for high school students could be many things. One would be having no states test to graduate, and instead have comprehensive exams by the school to test the knowledge and skills of their students. Also have the school to use teachers and counselors to be more involved in each students life for the struggles they may be having concerning necessities and school. Our high school education system is clearing not working and needs to be refined. The amount of people being able graduate needs to improve so that our nation as a whole can grow. By using my solution to this problem you can see a much better education system. The State role would be changed, and there would be a completely different education system to ensure everyone people graduate from high school. There would be no student failures, and dropouts from the policies enacted by a federal not state rule. From this you can see higher graduation rates leading to more economic growth for our country. â€Å"America found its growth hormone after the Second World War in the incredible educational success of the GI Bill. †(Bencini) Studies in education have proven that more education and reform leads to economic success and growth. My proposal to this problem would reform and create our society better as a whole, and make a more intelligent or sufficient world than today. Education is perhaps the most important endeavor a person can attempt, and dropping out of high school puts people in a extenuating circumstance for the rest of their life. This leads to less economic growth and higher unemployment rates that deprave our economy. To create a better workforce and way of life I propose to enact federal policies and requirements for our schooling system. This include more financial aid, and more inflexibility towards our school systems. We need to call for our politicians to improve our schooling system because the cause and effects of students not completing school leads to failure and less success. From more education leads to greater success so the key role in our nations future is our youths education. Works Cited

Monday, October 14, 2019

Haematopoiesis Located In Bone Marrow Section Biology Essay

Haematopoiesis Located In Bone Marrow Section Biology Essay Haemopoiesis also known as haematopoiesis located in bone marrow section of an adults and lymphatic tissue is the process of production of blood cells and platelets which continues throughout life, replacing aged cells which are removed from the circulation by which immature precursor cells expand to mature blood cells. This process thesis and how it works is known as monophyletic theory. The cellular blood components are precursor to haematopoietic stem cells (HSC) that forms blood cells and immune cells. Blood cells (BC) are significant in maintenance of immune system in all types of cells in the body which prompt the BC to constantly maintain self renewal. Haemapoiesis stem cells therefore can proliferate, differentiate and even undergo cell death called apoptosis in various types of specialized cells in the body. The morphology and growth of BC sometimes occurs outside the bone marrow cells called extramedullary haemopoiesis. This is abnormal condition associated with Myelofibrosis caused by disorder in the bone marrow due to abnormal stem cell results or replacement by collagenous connective tissues. The sources of HSC are bone marrow, peripheral blood, umbilical cord blood, Foetal Hematopoietic, Embryonic Stem Cells and Embryonic Germ Cells. The vascular compartment of bone marrow is used to supplied nutrient artery and open into sinuses. The sinus carries the blood from the bone marrow to the body. HSCs have two kinds and include long term stem cells which incorporate transplantation of a new marrow cells to lethally cancerous patients and restore its haemopoietic system for longer periods and short term progenitor which are unable to renew themselves for longer period but immediately regenerate all types of blood cells. The success of been able to inject healthy cells from compatible donor to patients receiving chemotherapy successfully and recipient recover by regaining full functioning healthy blood cells is deemed to have completed stem cells. Large amount of new blood cells are constantly been produced in the blood circulation ensuring steady flow in the peripheral circulation. This type of stem cells is known as pluripotential stem cell (PSC). Pluripotent stem cell however differentiates into other stem cells known as unipotential stem cells: erythropoiesis, monocytes, granulopoiesis, thrombopoiesis and lymphopoiesis are specially multiplied into precursor specifically to individual mature blood cells. Erythropoiesis is the process used to describe red blood cells (erythrocytes) formation exclusively in the red bone marrow involving matured nucleated precursor into erythrocytes. The yellow bone marrow initially composed of fats and subsequently changed to red bone marrow from greater affinity of red blood cells needs. Haemocytoblasts is the precursor of erythrocytes lasting for few days and involved around four mitotic divisions of cells given rise to 8 to 16 more cells. The kidney initiates RBC production in mature cell by responding to lack of oxygen in the blood and secret special hormone called erythropoietin. This hormone is then transferred to red bone marrow and begins production of red blood cell. The RBC fills up the blood capillaries for distribution in the body. After few days the RBC is strong enough to serve oxygen to the body and consequently subsided after few months and loses its affinity to continue oxygen distribution and rupture. The ruptured RBC is then taken up by the spleen for recycled to form new RBC. Monocytes is a type of white blood cells that mature to much larger cells called macrophages and plays major role in immune system of the body that destroy dead cells or tissues damaged and cancer cells. Produced in the bone marrow and develop from nucleated precursors, the monoblast and promonocyte and then goes through the bloodstream for circulation to the spleen, lymph nodes, liver,bone marrow and lungs. Mature cells in monocytes life span is around 3-8 hours with full antigenic stimulation of T and B lymphocytes. Thrombopoiesis is a Platelets formed in the cytoplasm cell called megakaryocyte inside bone marrow with maturity within 10 days from much larger stem cells, megakaryoblast . The platelets formation penetrates into the blood vessels to prevent bleeding, assist clots formation to prevent bleeding and repair damages to blood vessels. Macrophages eventually destroy the platelets in the spleen and liver. Granulopoiesis are formed in the red bone marrow (RBM) called granulocytes and subdivided into three types of white blood cells (WBC); eosinophils, neutrophils and basophils and are grouped in the same stem cells called myeloblast. Granulocytes are produced by the continuous lobulation and condensation of the nucleus, loss of RNA cytoplasmic granules development. A developed cell goes through sinus endothelium where half of the granulocytes circulate to the internal surface of blood vessels and the other half circulates in the blood vessels for exchange. Half of the granulocytes eventually disperse from the circulation in response to requirement in the tissues. Lymphopoieses are precursor to lymphoblasts and prolymphocytes produced in bone marrow. Immature cells are transferred to the lymphoid tissues and thymus, with further division with similar antigens to T cells, B cells and NK cells. They mediate composite and immune effectors. Blood cells (BC) are significant in maintenance of immune system in all types of cells in the body which prompt the BC to constantly maintain self renewal. Haemapoiesis stem cells therefore can proliferate, differentiate and even undergo cell death called apoptosis in various types of specialized cells in the body. The morphology and growth of BC sometimes occurs outside the bone marrow cells called extramedullary haemopoiesis. This is abnormal condition associated with Myelofibrosis caused by disorder in the bone marrow due to abnormal stem cell results or replacement by collagenous connective tissues. The sources of HSC are bone marrow, peripheral blood, umbilical cord blood, Foetal Hematopoietic, Embryonic Stem Cells and Embryonic Germ Cells. The vascular compartment of bone marrow is used to supplied nutrient artery and open into sinuses. The sinus carries the blood from the bone marrow to the body. HSCs have two kinds and include long term stem cells which incorporate transplantation of a new marrow cells to lethally cancerous patients and restore its haemopoietic system for longer periods and short term progenitor which are unable to renew themselves for longer period but immediately regenerate all types of blood cells. The success of been able to inject healthy cells from compatible donor to patients receiving chemotherapy successfully and recipient recover by regaining full functioning healthy blood cells is deemed to have completed stem cells. Leukemia and Lymphoma are some of the cancer of the blood associated with treatment by HSCs. The process relates to the patients defective white blood cells causes by cancer having been destroyed using chemotherapy and replaced with bone marrow transplant matched with donor. Donor are usually from patients family with similar leukocytes antigens. Cancer of the blood are acute or chronic myeloblastics leukemia, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkins lymphoma and Hodgkins diseases. Name the systems used to classify acute lymphoblastic leukaemia(ALL) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). (word limit: 20 words) (2 MARKS) French-American-British (FAB) classification and the World Health Organization (WHO) classifications are two subtypes used in classification of AML and ALL. Define leucocytosis and thrombocytopenia. (word limit: 75 words)(5 MARKS) Leucocytes is a conditions of an abnormal increase of white cells in the blood due to infections. Total white blood cells is approximately 4400 to 11,000 cells/microL. Excess to the value of 50,000/microL, attributed to leukemia is called leukemoid reaction. Thrombocytopenia is a condition where there is abnormal decrease in platelets counts, rendering inability for clot formation resulting in excessive bleeding. Causes can be due to low platelets in bone marrow, intravascular and extravascular. Define leukaemia and state the four main divisions of the disease. (word limit: 70 words) (10 MARKS) Leukaemia is a malignant (cancer) of the bone marrow characterized by uninhibited proliferation of abnormal white blood cells. Symptoms include enlargement of liver, lymph nodes and spleen, anaemia, blood clotting retardation. Four major types of leukaemia are; Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) classified as Lymphocytic or lymphoblastic, Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) classified as Myelogenous leukemia State the typical manifestation of someone presenting with acute leukaemia including the blood film morphology. (word limit: 200 words) (5 MARKS) Most common symptons includes abnormal bruising and bleeding (thrombocytopaenia), anemia, bleeding gums or irregularity in menstrual period and infections. Anaemia and hypermetabolic state are attributed to fatigue, malaise, weight loss, chest pain and tachycardia. Granulocytopenia can progressively lead to potential life threatening bacterial infections. Developing infection frequently in eyes, nose and mouth known as neutropaenia, trace of blood in urine, fine rash dark red spots called purpura. Sign of fever, abnormal heamostasis are mostly common. Patients may sometimes shows lesion in soft tissues, spina dura and cranial representing tumour of leukaemia cells called granulocytic sarcoma or chroma. Periosteal infiltration and bone marrow may initiate joint pain (Arthralgia) in children with ALL. Meningitis causing vomiting, seizure, papilledema and headache is rare. Blood film morphology diagnosis of AML shows presence of more than 20% myeloblasts in blood cell. Cells appear to be smudge with decrease in thrombocytes. Elevated count of leucocytes 135.3 x 109 /L and thrombocytopenia of 26 x 109 /L indicates signs of acute leukaemia. In AML, Auer rods appear smaller in size, absent of granules, lower RBC counts and appear smaller in morphology. Also ALL contains no granules State the typical manifestation of someone with chronic leukaemia including the blood film morphology. (word limit: 200 words) (5 MARKS) (word limit: 230 words) (15 MARKS) Chronic leukaemia from mature cells is a slow progressive symptom that goes unnoticed for months. Disease is normally notice during normal routine blood test. Immediate treatment is not imminent and may involve chemotherapy treatment in tablet from. Two types of chronic leukaemia: Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), cancer of the myeloid cells, and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), cancer of the lymphocytes. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is the most common type characterised by an increased number of lymphocytes (WBC). The lymphocytes are unable to perform normal process of responding to infections by producing antibodies needed to destroy bacteria. Symptoms may be tiredness (anaemia) due to lack of RBC, continuous infections due to WBCs healthy shortages in fighting infections, abnormal lymphocytes in lymph glands causing swelling in neck and arm pits or groin, also swelling in spleen, Low platelets in blood leading to bruising or bleeding without injury, weight loss, fevers and night sweat. Test in blood film morphology indicates nuclei appearance is rounded and condensed chromatin. High level of beta-2-macroglobulin protein in the blood indicates advance CLL. Appearance and large amount of lymphocytosis in the blood more than 10,000 lymphocytes/mm ³ of blood shows presence of the disease. Patient with CLL often have low red blood cells and blood platelets in the body. Explain the following techniques and give one example for each, of application in the diagnosis or monitoring of leukaemia: (word limit: 230) (15 marks). Cytochemistry Is the staining methods use to study, identify and localization of various chemical compounds within living cells and activities of acute leukaemia. The most simplify cytochemistry method of diagnosing leukaemia is Myeloperoxidase (MPO) staining which can be completed within minutes. Its main function is to differentiate AML and ALL. Lysosomal enzyme stored azurophilic granules of neutrophils and monocytes. Used in basophils and eosinophils demonstration. A heme pigmentation react to its green colour secretion found in neutrophils. Immunophenotyping Immunophenotyping is use to analyze heterogeneous populations of cells based on the antigens phenotype according to their resemblance of interest. Example is leukocytes from peripheral blood extract from lymph nodes, leukaemia and lymphoma specific to differentiate cancer cells to normal of immune system. Immunophenotyping is used on a daily basis by pathologist from normal biopsies to bone marrow biopsies from various patients. Method mostly used to analyze and sort T-lymphocytes into subsets based on CD antigens is flow cytometry techniques. Samples of cells are analyzed in a multi-well plate with aid of fluorescence or scatter laser light to sort out population by immunophenotypic markers type. Cytogenetics The branch of genetics specialized in the studies of relationships between the structure of cell division and chromosomes relating to variation in phenotype and genotype. Test are carried out in blood samples and bone marrow from leukaemia patients to analyse abnormalities in chromosomal link with certain disease. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) is one of the methods use in routine analysis of cytogenetic band, molecular cytogenetic and G-Banded chromosomes in leukemia against normal chromosome. What is the Philadelphia chromosome? Give an example of where this is commonly found. (word limit: 120 words) (5 MARKS) Philadelphia chromosome (PH) or Philadelphia translocation is a specific chromosomal abnormality that causes chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). It is an abnormally chromosome 22 involved in an exchange with chromosome 9 which occur at the site of single bone marrow cell and can also be located in form of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The clonal process expands to the leukaemia and was the first major mutant cell found in malignancy which led to the CML cells combination of BCR-ABL gene protein. These genes belong to chromosome 22 and 9 respectively. The activities of both PH chromosome fused together causing uncontrolled malignant in the cell is a strong indication of pathogenic disease. The drug mesylate (Gleevec) was introduced through understanding of this mechanism to aid in cancer treatment. State the difference between stem cell and bone marrow transplants. (word limit: 100 words) (4 MARKS) Stem cell transplantation is a method where the stem cells are obtained from the peripheral blood using aphaeresis method. Aphaeresis assists in stem cells filtrations and avoids unwanted blood. When stem cells are obtained from the outpatient donor from the blood stream, they are less invasive and patient can recover very quickly at home. Stem cell harvested from the bone marrow using fine needle inseted into the hip joint however required critical method from in patient to be hospitalized and put under general aneshesia for continue monitoring. Stem cells collected from the bone marrow are much richer in stems compare with stem collected from the peripheral blood. State the difference between autologous and allogenic transplants. (word limit: 50 words) (4 MARKS) Difference between an autologous transplant is when patients own blood forming cell are collected for use in transplataion later, while an allogenic transplant relies on cells collected from volunteers bone marrow. The donors tissue type must be compatible to the recipient to avoid miss match.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

black orpheus Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Love and Death in Black Orpheus   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In fiction or reality being overly ambitious can cause one to yield to the evils of temptations. In Black Orpheus the myth fits into the story because it demonstrates the extremes an individual will endure to regain lost love, and relive the past. In the movie Orpheus and Eurydice both experience a case of â€Å"love at first at first sight†. They barely know each other but feel that because of Greek Mythology they were destined to love each other. When Orpheus asked Eurydice her name, and she responded he said that he knew he loved her. Another factor of love is displayed when Orpheus leaves Mira his fiancà © for Eurydice, someone who he barely knew.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, Orpheus and Eurydice become married; however these two gain unconditional love for each other like in the movie. Orpheus loves Eurydice with all his heart, and would do anything to savage their relationship. Orpheus feels as if nothing could harm them, not even death. In Black Orpheus the two of them also conquer jealousy from the town’s people. Many people didn’t encourage the love these two had built and basically wanted the love affair between them two to end.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the movie Orpheus tried to protect Eurydice from anything he felt would harm her, including his fiancà © Mira, who evidentially hated her. Mira tried on numerous occasions to harm Eurydice, but Orpheus would always be their as a form of protection. Orpheus also tries to protect Eurydice from the skeleton man who symbolized â€Å"death†. Orpheus goes beyond the call of duty to comfort Eurydice because she was very frightened by his appearance. Orpheus followed Eurydice around when she became startled.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the skeleton man finally succeeds at harming Eurydice Orpheus tries to save her by running to her rescue. However the only thing that was saved was his feelings for Eurydice and his memory. Death is represented when Orpheus electrocutes Eurydice on the cables. In the myth Orpheus tries to come to her aid several times because of the unconditional love he had for her. Once again, like in the movie â€Å"death† comes for Eurydice again. Unlike the movie, she was killed by snake bites which lead to the end of her. .. ...ause him to walk off the cliff with Eurydice in his arms, and he dies. In the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice Orpheus encounters death when the women tried to kill him by throwing a javelin and some stones. These weapons did not prevail against him because of the love he obtained for music. Death also became prominent in the myth when the women began to scream which drowned out his music and caused his death. Mainly because of Orpheus’s crave for love and his ambitious nature, he leads himself to death. When Orpheus dies, he and his long lost love are reunited once more. In the myth it is said now that they roam happy in the fields together now, sometimes he leading, sometimes she; Orpheus gazes as much as he will upon her, no longer incurring a penalty for a thoughtless glance. This Myth stresses the importance of love and moreover trusts. If Orpheus only trusted Eurydice from the start he would not have been put in that situation. This story and myth also demonstrates the extremes an individual will endure to regain lost love, and relive the past. In this World, happiness is the most important element through success. Happiness can be created through love and hard dedication.